LennartFr / myblockchainstory

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Blockchain from the code up.

The story of a technology that is changing the world.

October 2008 It all started with Satoshi Nakamoto and his paper Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

which addressed a key problem in electronic commerce:

A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly 
from one party to another without going through a financial institution. 

Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party 
is still required to prevent double-spending.

We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network.

BitCoin and Blockchain

  • Assets over cryptocurrency
  • Identity over anonymity
  • Selective endorsement (consensus) over proof of work

Blockchain Use cases

Blockchain and Hyperledger

Hyperledger, an open source collaborative effort to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies, 
is hosted by The Linux Foundation®. 

IBM provides blockchain solutions and services leveraging Hyperledger technologies, 
including Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer.

Hyperledger components


  • ===> List out hyperledger docker images
  • hyperledger/composer-playground 0.12.2 7 days ago 239MB
  • hyperledger/fabric-ca x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 238MB

  • hyperledger/fabric-tools x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 1.33GB
  • hyperledger/fabric-couchdb x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 1.47GB

  • hyperledger/fabric-kafka x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 1.29GB

  • hyperledger/fabric-zookeeper x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 1.3GB
  • hyperledger/fabric-orderer x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 151MB

  • hyperledger/fabric-peer x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 154MBh

  • hyperledger/fabric-javaenv x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 1.41GB
  • hyperledger/fabric-ccenv x86_64-1.0.2 2 weeks ago 1.28GB


Let's install the Hyperledger Fabric!
