LennartFr / BlockchainPublicRegulationFabric-Food

A Public Regulation Fabric example in the Food Industry

Home Page:https://developer.ibm.com/code/patterns/implement-fda-food-supplier-verification-program-on-hyperledger-composer/

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Lennart Frantzell, IBM Developer Advocate

Horea Porutio, IBM Developer Advocate

Maya Reyes, IBM City Execution Leader


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Hyperledger Fabric Documentation

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IBM Blockchain Platform


Designing and creating Blockchain applications

Step 1: Learn Design Thinking

IBM Design Thinking Field Guide

Step 2: Go through IBM Blockchain Use Cases

IBM Blockchain Use Cases

Step 3a: Take the IBM Blockchain on-line course

Zero to Blockchain An IBM Redbooks course

Step 3b: Go through selected Blockchain Developer Patterns

Blockchain Developer Patterns

Step 4: Learn the Hyperledger Composer tool

Hyperledger Composer Tutorial

Writing Your First Application

In Hyperledger Composer: save data model as a .bna file.

Step 5: Deploy the business network to Hyperledger Fabric.

Step by step description



FDA Foreign supplier

In this journey, we capture the regulatory compliance logic for the Food Supplier Verification Program in a smart contract deployed on a business network.

This business network defines:

Participants: Supplier Importer Retailer Regulator

Assets: ProductListingContract

Transactions: createProductListing transferListing checkProducts updateExemptedList

Initially, the supplier will transfer the food products to an importer who verifies whether the supplier, country, and food type all match with the correct identifiers. At port of entry, the supplier is checked against a list of known suppliers in a database (managed by the regulator). If the supplier is of type exempt, then the products are then transferred to the retailer. If the supplier is of type non-exempt, then the products are checked against a list of known food products in the database (managed by the regulator). If the food is exempt product then transfer it to the retailer. If the food is a non-exempt product, the importer must conduct a harms analysis (either independently, or using a third-party). The supplier provides the harms analysis report to the regulator. The regulator reviews compliance attestation and transfers the products to the retailer.

The createProductListing function is called when an createProductListing transaction is submitted. The logic allows a supplier to create a ProductListingContract asset.

The transferListing function is called when a transferListing transaction is submitted by the owner of ProductListingContract. It is submitted either by Supplier to transfer ProductListingContract to Importer or by Importer to transfer ProductListingContract to Retailer when the exempt check for the products is completed.

The checkProducts function is called when a checkProducts transaction is submitted by the Supplier to perform the exempt check for the products present in the ProductListingContract. The status of ProductListingContract contract will change to CHECKCOMPLETED if all all the products are exempted else the status will change to HAZARDANALYSISCHECKREQ. HAZARDANALYSISCHECKREQ means the Supplier needs to provide Hazard Analysis report for the products. After submitting the report Supplier performs the checkProducts transaction to complete the exempt check for the products.

The updateExemptedList function is called when a updateExemptedList transaction is submitted by the Regulator to update the list of exempted Orgs ids and Product ids.

Audience level : Intermediate Developers

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Included Components

  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Hyperledger Composer

Included technologies

  • Blockchain
  • Containers
  • Cloud

Application Workflow Diagram

Application Workflow

  • Install Hyperledger Composer development tools
  • Configure and start Hyperledger Fabric network
  • Generate the Business Network Archive file
  • Deploy the Business Network Archive using Composer Playground
  • (Alternative method) Deploy the Business Network Archive on Hyperledger Composer running locally


  1. Generate the Business Network Archive (BNA)
  2. Deploy the Business Network Archive using Composer Playground
  3. Deploy the Business Network Archive on Hyperledger Composer running locally

1. Generate the Business Network Archive (BNA)

To check that the structure of the files is valid, you can now generate a Business Network Archive (BNA) file for your business network definition. The BNA file is the deployable unit -- a file that can be deployed to the Composer runtime for execution.

Use the following command to generate the network archive:

npm install

You should see the following output:

Creating Business Network Archive

Looking for package.json of Business Network Definition
	Input directory: /Users/ishan/Documents/git-demo/BlockchainPublicRegulationFabric-Food

	Description: Sample food supplier verification network
	Name: food-supply
	Identifier: food-supply@0.0.1

Written Business Network Definition Archive file to
	Output file: ./dist/food-supply.bna

Command succeeded

The composer archive create command has created a file called food-supply.bna in the dist folder.

You can test the business network definition against the embedded runtime that stores the state of 'the blockchain' in-memory in a Node.js process. From your project working directory, open the file test/foodTest.js and run the following command:

npm test

You should see the following output :

> food-supply@0.0.1 test /Users/ishan/Documents/demo/BlockchainPublicRegulationFabric-Food
> mocha --recursive

    ✓ Transfer ProductListing to Importer (67ms)
    ✓ Exempt Check for ProductListing (98ms)
    ✓ Transfer ProductListing to Retailer (95ms)

  3 passing (2s)

2. Deploy the Business Network Archive using Composer Playground

Open Composer Playground, by default the Basic Sample Network is imported. If you have previously used Playground, be sure to clear your browser local storage by running localStorage.clear() in your browser Console.

Now import the food-supply.bna file and click on deploy button.

You can also setup Composer Playground locally.

You will see the following:

To test your Business Network Definition, first click on the Test tab:

In the Supplier participant registry, create a new participant. Make sure you click on the Supplier tab on the far left-hand side first and click on Create New Participant button.

  "$class": "composer.food.supply.Supplier",
  "supplierId": "supplierA",
  "countryId": "UK",
  "orgId": "ACME"

Similarly create retailer, regulator, importer participants by selecting the respective tabs.

  "$class": "composer.food.supply.Retailer",
  "retailerId": "retailerA",
  "products": []
  "$class": "composer.food.supply.Regulator",
  "regulatorId": "regulatorA",
  "location": "SF",
  "exemptedOrgIds": ["ACME","XYZ CORP"],
  "exemptedProductIds": ["prodA","prodB"]
  "$class": "composer.food.supply.Importer",
  "importerId": "importerA"

Now we are ready to add Access Control. Do this by first clicking on the admin tab to issue new ids to the participants and add the ids to the wallet. Please follow the instructions as shown in the images below:

Admin Tab

Click on Issue New Id button to create new Ids. Generate New Id

Click on Add to my Wallet link to add the newly generated Id to the Wallet. Add to Wallet

Ids to Wallet

Select the Supplier id from Wallet tab tab. Now click on the test tab to perform createProductListing and transferListing transactions.

Select ID

Now click on Submit Transaction button and select createProductListing transaction from the dropdown, to create a product listing for the list of products. products array element contains information about the productid and quantity separated by ,.

  "$class": "composer.food.supply.createProductListing",
  "products": ["prodA,5","prodB,2"],
  "user": "resource:composer.food.supply.Supplier#supplierA"

After executing the transaction successfully, productListing will be created in ProductListingContract registry.

Product Listing

Similarly, submit a transferListing transaction to transfer the productListing to Importer.

ProductListingContractIDis the id of the ProductListingContract copied from the ProductListingContract registry.

  "$class": "composer.food.supply.transferListing",
  "ownerType": "supplier",
  "newOwner": "resource:composer.food.supply.Importer#importerA",
  "productListing": "resource:composer.food.supply.ProductListingContract#<ProductListingContractID>"

importerA will be the owner of ProductListingContract and the status will be EXEMPTCHECKREQ. Also, productListing will be removed from Supplier view. Now select the importer id from the Wallet tab and submit checkProducts transaction to perform the exempt check for the products.

  "$class": "composer.food.supply.checkProducts",
  "regulator": "resource:composer.food.supply.Regulator#regulatorA",
  "productListing": "resource:composer.food.supply.ProductListingContract#<ProductListingContractID>"

Successful execution of transaction will change the status of productListing to CHECKCOMPLETED. Now perform transferListing transaction to transfer the products to retailer.

  "$class": "composer.food.supply.transferListing",
  "ownerType": "importer",
  "newOwner": "resource:composer.food.supply.Retailer#retailerA",
  "productListing": "resource:composer.food.supply.ProductListingContract#<ProductListingContractID>"

The transaction will the change the owner of ProductListingContract and update the list of products in Retailer registry. Select the Retailer id from the Wallet tab and view the updated registries.

Product Listing

Retailer Registry

You can also use the default System user to perform all the actions as we have a rule in permissions.acl to permit all access System user.

3. Deploy the Business Network Archive on Hyperledger Composer running locally

Please start the local Fabric using the instructions. Now change directory to the dist folder containing food-supply.bna file and type:

cd dist
composer network install --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --archiveFile food-supply.bna
composer network start --networkName food-supply --networkVersion 0.0.1 --networkAdmin admin --networkAdminEnrollSecret adminpw --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --file networkadmin.card
composer card import --file networkadmin.card

You can verify that the network has been deployed by typing:

composer network ping --card admin@food-supply

You should see the the output as follows:

The connection to the network was successfully tested: food-supply
	Business network version: 0.0.1
	Composer runtime version: 0.19.4
	participant: org.hyperledger.composer.system.NetworkAdmin#admin
	identity: org.hyperledger.composer.system.Identity#c1d5b4919bb775fef75f407050c7fa292ce79d7f978703e974cb8f19404d100c

Command succeeded

To create the REST API we need to launch the composer-rest-server and tell it how to connect to our deployed business network. Now launch the server by changing directory to the BlockchainPublicRegulationFabric-Food folder and type:

cd ..

Answer the questions posed at startup. These allow the composer-rest-server to connect to Hyperledger Fabric and configure how the REST API is generated.

  • Enter admin@food-supply as the card name.
  • Select never use namespaces when asked whether to use namespaces in the generated API.
  • Select No when asked whether to secure the generated API.
  • Select Yes when asked whether to enable event publication.
  • Select No when asked whether to enable TLS security.


If the composer-rest-server started successfully you should see these two lines are output:

Web server listening at: http://localhost:3000
Browse your REST API at http://localhost:3000/explorer

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/explorer

You should see the LoopBack API Explorer, allowing you to inspect and test the generated REST API. Follow the instructions to test Business Network Definition as mentioned above in the composer section.

Additional Resources


Apache 2.0


A Public Regulation Fabric example in the Food Industry


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%