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No vimeo videos display

shimaowo opened this issue · comments

LeetCode Username


Problem Number, Title, and Link


Bug Category

Problem description

Bug Description

Embedded video is domain restricted resulting in no display and error:
Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here."

Same as #16154 (and many others), but despite that issue being reported many many times here, it apparently never gets addressed. As also mentioned in that bug, vimeo itself says this is a server-side configuration issue.

Language Used for Code


Code used for Submit/Run operation

No response

Expected behavior

Videos should display properly.



Additional context

Using firefox.

Things I have tried:

  • Not using a private window
  • Disabling all plugins
  • Disabling firefox's privacy protection
  • Setting tracking protection etc to the minimum possible level
  • Disabling my vpn
  • Whitelisting both leetcode and player.vimeo.com for every possible permission

As noted, vimeo itself says this is a server-side error, and there are no more possible client settings I can change. I know you like to close these bugs without fixing them, but it really would be nice if any video on the site worked...

Joyce_Ndisya commented: Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us! We're sorry to learn that you're encountering issues with LeetCode. To address this, we kindly ask you to follow these troubleshooting steps one by one:

  1. Clear your browser cache. Instructions can be found here.
  2. Clear your browser cookies and local storage.
  3. Disable all extensions.
  4. Try in incognito/private browsing mode.
  5. Update your browser to the latest version.
  6. Try using a different browser.

If you manage to resolve the issue, please let us know which step was effective. Kindly let us know if none of the steps resolve the issue, and we'll provide further assistance.



I have tried all those steps, but videos still do not load, and mention the same server-side error.

Joyce_Ndisya commented: Hello there,

Thank you for your time.

Are you still facing this issue?

We look forward to your response.

Warm regards,

Yes, I am still facing this issue... as I mentioned just yesterday.

Joyce_Ndisya commented: Hello there,

We have confirmed that the Vimeo videos are set to the correct privacy settings, so users should be able to view them without issues. The problem does not affect all users, suggesting that specific factors related to individual users may be contributing to the issue.

Some of our users have encountered the same issues, which they were able to resolve by disabling browser extensions or switching browsers. It seems that certain settings can cause Vimeo to mistakenly identify your access as originating outside the LeetCode domain. Based on our investigation and research in various online forums, other software on your devices might also influence how Vimeo recognizes your domain access.

If you have already disabled all extensions and tried using different browsers without success, we recommend trying different devices. This step will help determine if any particular software on your original device is causing the issue.


It seems that certain settings can cause Vimeo to mistakenly identify your access as originating outside the LeetCode domain. Based on our investigation and research in various online forums, other software on your devices might also influence how Vimeo recognizes your domain access.

Ok... which settings? If you found reference to things I can try, why would you not point them out...? Can you at least point me to where this information is? I looked before posting this bug and didn't find anything relevant.

Some of our users have encountered the same issues, which they were able to resolve by disabling browser extensions or switching browsers.

Except that doesn't appear to be true. There are dozens of reports of this issue in this repo, and they all just get closed with no resolution, like this one.

I really don't understand why you are so keen on not helping users and instead just closing issues prematurely.

Joyce_Ndisya commented: Hello there,

Thank you for your time.

Could you please confirm if you've tried accessing the video from different devices?

Also, if you've used other browsers, could you kindly let us know which ones and share screenshots of any extensions you have installed? This information is crucial for us to pinpoint the problem.

We truly regret the frustration this issue has caused you. It’s unfortunate that we're unable to immediately identify which specific software or extensions might be triggering the error on Vimeo.

Please let us know about the devices and browsers you've tried, and any other details you can provide. This will greatly assist us in narrowing down the possible causes and finding a solution as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We look forward to your response.

Warm regards,

Thank you for the reply.

This seems to be a firefox-specific issue.

I tried on two devices, one windows 10, and one windows 11. Both have the issue when using firefox. I completely disabled all extensions from the manager and then restarted the browser and cleared the cache, and still had the problem. I also tried in both a private and a normal window, as well as with all tracking protection and additional security disabled or set to the lowest possible levels, as well as whitelisting leetcode and player.vimeo.com for all permissions. None of those things worked.

However, the videos do work using Edge instead of firefox.

I can make do with this for now, though I still have no idea what the issue is in firefox. I know it is rather strict around CORS handling, but the developer console did not have any errors.

If you want to close this as a client-side configuration issue, I understand, but I would still appreciate if you could point me to those resources you mentioned, so that I can try to figure out where the issue is.

It's also worth noting that I have never had this issue with vimeo videos on other sites.

Thank you.

Joyce_Ndisya commented: Hello there,

Thanks for your time.

Here are some resources I found online that can help in troubleshooting. We hope your issue gets solved.


Please let us know if you need more help.

Warm regards,