LeastAuthority / python-challenge-bypass-ristretto

Python bindings for Brave's challenge-bypass-ristretto library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rename this library

exarkun opened this issue · comments

"privacypass" is an overloaded and confusing name for this library.

This library provides Python bindings to brave-intl/challenge-bypass-ristretto-ffi.

challenge-bypass-ristretto-ffi provides a C (among others) ABI to brave-intl/challenge-bypass-ristretto.

challenge-bypass-ristretto implements is a "privacy pass" cryptographic protocol implementation along the lines of "challenge-bypass" library which substitutes the Ristretto group in the construction of the OPRF.

"privacy pass" is a cryptographic protocol which provides a privacy-preserving authentication mechanism, primarily oriented towards use in web browsers for CAPTCHA bypass.

Given the above, "python-challenge-bypass-ristretto" seems like a safe, unambigious name. Although it is a bit of a mouthful. "libzkap", from the ZKAP acronym meaning "Zero-Knowledge Access Pass" might be a bit easier to deal with.

Though "python-challenge-bypass-ristretto" is a mouthful it at least conveys exactly what the project is. It is not a legal Python identifier so the module name will have to be different. Probably challenge_bypass_ristretto.

I guess I'll go with this.