Leaflet / Leaflet.markercluster

Marker Clustering plugin for Leaflet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Show multiple opened clusters

p3x-robot opened this issue · comments

  • I'm reporting a bug, not asking for help
  • I'm sure this is a Leaflet.MarkerCluster code issue, not an issue with my own code nor with the framework I'm using (Cordova, Ionic, Angular, React…)
  • I've searched through the issues to make sure it's not yet reported

How to reproduce

  • Leaflet version I'm using: Latest
  • Leaflet.MarkerCluster version I'm using: Latest
  • Browser (with version) I'm using: Latest Chrome
  • OS/Platform (with version) I'm using: Linux Mint 20
  • I cannot show multiple clusters opened at once.

What behaviour I'm expecting and which behaviour I'm seeing

When I open a cluster, the previous closes it. So, I cannot show multiple clusters opened at once.

Minimal example reproducing the issue

  • this example is as simple as possible
  • this example does not rely on any third party code

Using http://leafletjs.com/edit.html or any other jsfiddle-like site.