Lautenschlager-id / Fromage

An API for the Atelier801's forums.

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suggestion: unreadMessages

tocuto opened this issue · comments


Checks until which message the client has read in the topic and return the next one.

unreadMessages(topic) -- lets say the client has read until the message 15

returns 16

For now I believe it's currently impossible to make it.

  1. topic would need to be a { f, t } location, and we would only be able to check the needed info if it was { f, s }.
  2. If it was { f, s, t }, then we would need to know the section page too, so { f, s, t, p } and finally get all topics until find the topic id: it may not exist.

I don't think it's viable.
I'll close this suggestion, because even though it's great, lacks reproducibility.
Feel free to make a pull request, though!

Figured out that it's possible to get the s with the navigation_bar, it's always the #navigation_bar-th value.

Now I only need to find a decent way to get the current page that the topic is located.

Reopened so other users can help.