LarsFin / Express-API-Cars

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Care Web Dev Test

An API developed using express JS. For details on the requirements of the application, please look here;


I'll be using Jest for TDD, as a stretch goal for testing, I might take a look at doing some API tests over the wire.


Don't plan on it too heavily, but if I have time; I'll create HTML pages to interact with the api.

Data Storage

Will currently persist storage through life time of application via a collection. Afterwards will look into persistent storage with database.

User Stories

Follows the CRUD model pattern with create/read/update and delete.

Can retrieve all of my cars [✓]

As a car collector,
So, that I can marvel at my collection,
I would like to to read a list of all of my cars

Can add a car [✓]

As a car collector,
So, that I can note a new car down,
I would like to be able to add a car to my collection

Can retrieve a car [✓]

As a car collector,
So, that I can inspect one of my cars,
I would like to read the data of a specific car

Can delete a car [✓]

As a car collector,
So, that I can maintain an orderly collection,
I would like to remove a specific car from my collection

Can update a car [✓]

As a car collector,
So, that I can keep my car data up to date,
I would like to be able to update data on a specific car



Language:JavaScript 100.0%