Laravel-Backpack / Settings

Application settings interface for Backpack (for Laravel 6).

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[Feature Req] Cache settings

rk opened this issue · comments

So, the current implementation of the SettingsServiceProvider::boot() method prevents caching of the settings, forcing 2 queries (one to detect the table, one to load settings) on the DB. It's more efficient for larger sites to cache all settings in memcached or redis, instead of querying the DB on every page hit.

I looked into extending the provider, but that might be a bit messy.

If you define a static method for it on the Setting model, then using a config value to point at the FQCN. We could then override the Setting class and extend it to allow caching.

Just some food for thought.

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Justin Case
The Backpack Robot

Hmm you're right @rk . Thank you for the suggestion. Since settings are changed so rarely, it makes a lot of sense for them to get cached. We just need to make sure that once a Setting is Updated, we wipe the cache - so that changing settings would still have immediate effect.

I see there's already a PR for this here #91
Let me know what you think of it.


It does need the logic for clearing once a setting is updated, but it looks appropriate. 👍 It caches both the table check and the resulting fields separately, which is good.

The event is really simple to add though:

Setting::saved(function () {

Fixed by #91 . I'll take another look at it before we launch Backpack 4.1 (this or next week), merge it and tag it as a new version. Let's move the conversation there please.

I'd like to provide some feedback on this.

I have a project where I have to cache one route because of the high traffic it receives.

The route was cached via redis, so it shouldn't touch the database at all.

However, this package still made queries to database, bringing performance down significantly.

Here's some ideas on how to get cache config and use it:

In my situatuion we've moved DB server to remote host and now for each http request it produces 2 requests to DB. Even if this pages uses none of settings. We have a lot of settings and all data generates certain amount of traffic. Wich is also paid.

Another suggestion, when loading settings in ServiceProvider:
Don't load everything from DB like that:


Just take key and value - for most cases it covers 99% of usage.