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πŸ› `db::encodeToBlob` doesn't work with `db::preparedStmt`

zach2good opened this issue Β· comments

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  • I have searched existing issues to see if the issue has already been opened, and I have checked the commit log to see if the issue has been resolved since my server was last updated.

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Steps to reproduce

As mentioned here:

Something in the binding process stops encoded blob strings from being bound correctly, and the '?' character is sent in its place.

Expected behavior

    db::preparedStmt("UPDATE chars SET set_blue_spells = '?' WHERE charid = ? LIMIT 1",
                     db::encodeToBlob(PChar->m_SetBlueSpells), PChar->id);

It appears as though preparedStmt won't take std::string inline. Need to test with const char* and friends, but it's good to know it isn't specifically a problem with encodeToBlob. Maybe something about the lifetimes of strings being passed in?

Taking everything out of my automatic binding code:

        struct TestStruct
            int i = 42;

        TestStruct testStruct;

        auto stmt = std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement>(connection->prepareStatement("UPDATE chars SET titles = ? WHERE charid = ?"));
        stmt->setString(1, db::encodeToBlob(testStruct));
        stmt->setInt(2, 1);

This works as intended. So I need to do some research as to why the binding doesn't work completely inline