Lamden / vmnet

the block-chain and distributed network test suite

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Unable to run vmnet example

Mat001 opened this issue · comments

Tried to run the example as in README :
$ cd examples/sample
$ python3

Docker starts containers but then it hits error

ERROR: pull access denied for, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'

I have docker-compose running and I'm logged in to docker-hub.
Am I missing something trivial? (I'm running Ubuntu 18.04)

Full log is this:

2018-07-05 12:55:12.287 vmnet.test.base[12234][MainProcess] INFO Starting docker...
2018-07-05 12:55:12.785 vmnet[12331][MainProcess] INFO Building
unable to prepare context: the Dockerfile (/home/m/repositories/vmnet/examples/sample/docker_dir/ must be within the build context
2018-07-05 12:55:12.799 vmnet[12331][MainProcess] INFO Done.
2018-07-05 12:55:12.918 vmnet.test.base[12234][MainProcess] INFO Running test "log_test" and waiting for 5s...
2018-07-05 12:55:13.000 vmnet[12414][MainProcess] INFO Building
unable to prepare context: the Dockerfile (/home/m/repositories/vmnet/examples/sample/docker_dir/ must be within the build context
2018-07-05 12:55:13.011 vmnet[12414][MainProcess] INFO Done.
Creating network "vmnet_vmnet" with driver "bridge"
Pulling vmnet_node_2 (
ERROR: pull access denied for, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
Error: No such container: vmnet_node_2
Error: No such container: vmnet_node_1
Error: No such container: vmnet_node_3
2018-07-05 12:55:17.974 vmnet.test.base[12234][MainProcess] DEBUG Press enter to exit...
Error: No such container: vmnet_node_4
Error: No such container: vmnet_node_5

I could run the thing if I build image manually.
I went into sample/scripts dir and ran docker build . -f ../docker_dir/

If I don't build it manually and just run python3 then I get pull access denied/docker login error.

Do you guys use private image from docker-hub that outer folks don't have access to?
I'll write a PR to build the image manually in order for README example to work?

New docs and many new features will be ready after Anarchy Net for Cilantro is out. Thanks for your patience.