bloominstituteoftechnology / java-installs-week02

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lambda School Web API: Java Course

Software installations for Week 2

For All Operating Systems

Using PostgreSQL on Heroku

For Windows 10 Operating System

Install PostgreSQL on a Windows 10 based computer

Video to Install PostgreSQL

Install Postman on a Windows 10 based computer

Video to Install Postman

Download and install the software from

Set Environment Variables for a Windows based 10 Computer

Video to Environment Variables

Environment variables are needed for

  • Class
  • Build Week
  • Labs
  • Industry

Why set environment variables

  • prevent adding passwords and such to github
  • restrict knowledge of the passwords and such to the executing machine

To show all environment variables


To show a specific environment variable

echo %PATH%

To set up environment variables permanently

  • Search for environment
  • Pick Edit the system environment variables
  • Click the button Environment Variables
  • Under System variables click New...
    • Add each of the following

Variable Name = MYDBPASSWORD
Variable Value = password

Variable Name = MYDBUSER
Variable Value = postgres

Variable Name = LAMBDACLIENT
Variable Value = lambda-client

Variable Name = LAMBDASECRET
Variable Value = lambda-secret

Variable Name = MYDBNAME
Variable Value = starthere

Variable Name = MYDBHOST
Variable Value = localhost

Restart the computer!

For Mac OS

Install PostgreSQL on a Mac OS Computer

Video to Install PostgreSQL


If you run into issues, try entering the following command in a terminal window. Then try to reinstall!
sudo spctl --master-disable

Install Postman on a Mac OS Computer

Video to Install Postman

Surf to the website and install the software

Set Environment Variables for a MAC OS Computer

Video to Environment Variables

Environment variables are needed for

  • Class
  • Build Week
  • Labs
  • Industry

Why set environment variables

  • prevent adding passwords and such to github
  • restrict knowledge of the passwords and such to the executing machine

To show all environment variables


To show a specific environment variable

echo $PATH

To set up environment variables permanently

Go to home directory
nano .bash_profile

move to the end of the file. Add a new line and enter the following:

export MYDBPASSWORD=password
export MYDBUSER=postgres
export LAMBDACLIENT=lambda-client
export LAMBDASECRET=lambda-secret
export MYDBHOST=localhost
export MYDBNAME=starthere

Restart the computer!

For Linux specifically Ubuntu 18

Install PostgreSQL on a Linux Computer

Video to Install PostgreSQL

To install PostgreSQL, enter the following from a terminal prompt

  • sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list ** enter the following line
    deb bionic-pgdg main
    ** exit nano

  • wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -

  • sudo apt update

  • sudo apt install postgresql-11

  • sudo apt install postgresql-client-11

  • sudo apt install pgadmin4

  • sudo -u postgres psql

  • ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'password';

  • \q

  • run pgadmin4 from APPs
    Create a link to the server

Install Postman on a Linux Computer

Video to Install Postman

To install Postman, from a terminal prompt enter

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install libgconf-2-4

Surf to the website

  • Download the software in a compressed file
  • Extract the file to some location, like your home directory

Create a Desktop entry for Postman. It should be saved as
and contain the following

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/<your account>/Postman/app/Postman %U
Icon=/home/<your account>/Postman/app/resources/app/assets/icon.png

Set Environment Variables for a Linux Computer

Video to Environment Variables

Environment variables are needed for

  • Class
  • Build Week
  • Labs
  • Industry

Why set environment variables

  • prevent adding passwords and such to github
  • restrict knowledge of the passwords and such to the executing machine

To show all environment variables


To show a specific environment variable

echo $PATH

To set up environment variables permanently

Go to home directory
nano .bashrc

move to the end of the file. Add a new line and enter the following:

export MYDBPASSWORD=password
export MYDBUSER=postgres
export LAMBDACLIENT=lambda-client
export LAMBDASECRET=lambda-secret
export MYDBHOST=localhost
export MYDBNAME=starthere

Restart the computer!


License:MIT License