Lakr233 / Iridium

An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[*] Recipe: 19712 Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

ldkfreetoplay opened this issue · comments

iOS 14.0 、iphone xs、uncOver


Preparing operations...


Searching for mach objects...
[] PlugIns/MiHomeWidgetOperation.appex/MiHomeWidgetOperation
] PlugIns/MiHomeShareExtension.appex/MiHomeShareExtension
[] PlugIns/MiHomeWidgetScene.appex/MiHomeWidgetScene
] PlugIns/MHNotificationContent.appex/MHNotificationContent
[] PlugIns/MiIntents.appex/MiIntents
] PlugIns/MiIntentsUI.appex/MiIntentsUI
[] PlugIns/MiHomeDesktopWidgetExtension.appex/MiHomeDesktopWidgetExtension
] PlugIns/MiHomeWidgetDeviceStatus.appex/MiHomeWidgetDeviceStatus
[] PlugIns/MHNotificationService.appex/MHNotificationService
] MiHome
[] Frameworks/CocoaLumberjack.framework/CocoaLumberjack
] Frameworks/FLAnimatedImage.framework/FLAnimatedImage
[] Frameworks/YYText.framework/YYText
] Frameworks/OpenUDID.framework/OpenUDID
[] Frameworks/FBLPromises.framework/FBLPromises
] Frameworks/FMDB.framework/FMDB
[] Frameworks/AFNetworking.framework/AFNetworking
] Frameworks/MHEnvironment.framework/MHEnvironment
[] Frameworks/Masonry.framework/Masonry
] Frameworks/MiZipArchive.framework/MiZipArchive
[] Frameworks/MJFTargetConditionals.framework/MJFTargetConditionals
] Frameworks/MJFLog.framework/MJFLog
[] Frameworks/MJFJsonKit.framework/MJFJsonKit
] Frameworks/YYImage.framework/YYImage
[] Frameworks/YYWebImage.framework/YYWebImage
] Frameworks/MJFNetwork.framework/MJFNetwork
[] Frameworks/SSZipArchive.framework/SSZipArchive
] Frameworks/MiHomeFoundation.framework/MiHomeFoundation
[] Frameworks/MiHomeMediator.framework/MiHomeMediator
] Frameworks/MiotUIKit.framework/MiotUIKit
[] Frameworks/MJFCrypto.framework/MJFCrypto
] Frameworks/YYCategories.framework/YYCategories
[] Frameworks/SDWebImage.framework/SDWebImage
] Frameworks/CocoaAsyncSocket.framework/CocoaAsyncSocket
[] Frameworks/YYCache.framework/YYCache
] Frameworks/GZIP.framework/GZIP
[*] Frameworks/libwebp.framework/libwebp

[*] Selecting backend /Applications/

[*] Calling decryption on MiHomeWidgetOperation

[*] Recipe: 0

[*] Calling decryption on MiHomeShareExtension

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiHomeWidgetScene

[*] Recipe: 0

[*] Calling decryption on MHNotificationContent

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiIntents

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiIntentsUI

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiHomeDesktopWidgetExtension

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiHomeWidgetDeviceStatus

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MHNotificationService

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiHome

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on CocoaLumberjack

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on FLAnimatedImage

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on YYText

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on OpenUDID

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on FBLPromises

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on FMDB

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on AFNetworking

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MHEnvironment

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on Masonry

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiZipArchive

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MJFTargetConditionals

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MJFLog

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr

[*] Calling decryption on MJFJsonKit

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on YYImage

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on YYWebImage

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MJFNetwork

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on SSZipArchive

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiHomeFoundation

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiHomeMediator

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MiotUIKit

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on MJFCrypto

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on YYCategories

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on SDWebImage

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on CocoaAsyncSocket

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on YYCache

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on GZIP

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Calling decryption on libwebp

[*] Recipe: 19712

[*] stdout

[*] stderr
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

[*] Creating archive at /var/mobile/Documents/wiki.qaq.iridium/Packages/Mi

......................... [100%]
========================= ++++++

[*] Cleaning temporary directory...
Permission denied: failed to call setuid/setgid

Resign and install may still need additional patch to package payload. You are on your own making those patches.


Invalid recipe was detected from backend!
Use this package with caution!


[Process Completed]