Lajule / auto

A collection of Korn Shell functions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


You may find something of interest here if you use the Korn Shell.

Using in your script

Paste the following line in your .profile:

export FPATH=$FPATH:<Path to this directory>

In hello.ksh:

bye hello world


Function Description
bye Normal termination
capitalize Capitalizes the given string
die Anormal termination
dos2unix Converts a DOS file to a UNIX one
index Prints the position (form the beginning) of given character in given string
lock Returns 1 if a previous instance is running, otherwise returns 0
unlock Releases lock for others instances
log Inserts a new entry in log file
mktmpf Returns a new temporary file name
pad Right pads the given string with given character
prompt Sets a pretty prompt
push Pushes a value into a stack
pop Pops the first value from a stack
size Gets the number of elements in a stack
quote Quotes the given string
readkey Reads a key and stores the result in given variable name
readline Reads a line and stores the result in given variable name
rindex Prints the position (form the end) of given character in given string
rpad Left pads the given string with given character
rsub Replaces the last occurence of given pattern
sub Replaces the first occurence of given pattern
tabify Converts spaces into tabs
unix2dos Converts a UNIX file to a DOS one
untabify Converts tabs into spaces


A collection of Korn Shell functions


Language:Shell 100.0%