LachlanCourt / rainbowBot

This discord bot has a variety of moderation tools and features to generate and maintain text channels for courses taken by university students in a community server. It is optimised for cloud deployment and is multitenanted to manage several servers with a single instance

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Multitenanted Discord Bot for University Community Servers

This bot is used to generate and maintain text channels for courses taken by university students to collaborate and chat. It also provides a number of other moderation tools. It is multitenanted and can manage several discord servers with a single instance of the bot.


Note that a Dockerfile is included and can be built and run using the provided Makefile commands. The push and pull commands will require changing if you wish to use your own container registry. Alternatively, the bot can also be run without docker.

  1. Install requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Create configuration files from examples

    cp config.json.example config.json
    cp .env.example .env
  3. Generate OAuth Token (see here) - either add it to .env or run with an environment variable, and populate config.json using the ID of the server as a key. This can be found by right clicking the server icon in discord with developer settings turned on

  4. Run bot!

    OAuthToken=<token> python3

Authorisation and Command Structure

All commands are prefixed with $rain. All commands and arguments are case sensitive.

Commands are restricted by discord roles specified in the config file. There are three levels of authorisation that restrict the moderation and bot management commands, in the format [[rolesWithHighLevelAuthorisation], [rolesWithModerateLevelAuthorisation], [rolesWithLowLevelAutherisation]]. If a restriction is not specified for a command below, it can be used by anyone in the server. A lot of commands are restricted by role name so in order to make the most use of the functionality, be sure to fill this out correctly.

Automated channel creation

Moderate level authorisation required

The bot has functionality to read courses from a JSON file and automatically create text and voice channels accordingly. The format is as follows:

  1. A category for each item in the courses dictionary in the specified JSON
  2. Nested in this category, a text channel for each item in that category's list
  3. Nested in this category, a single voice channel

create <filename> will create course channels, roles, and voice channels based on a JSON file with the specified filename

The format of the courses JSON can be seen in the examples directory. The channel structure should be a dictionary where the keys indicate the name of the category, and the items are a list of subjects to be nested in that category. In regards to custom overwrites, this will allow you to add restrictions accross the entire generated channels on a per-role basis. The dictionary keys should be the role name, and the items should be a list of lists with the name of the permission in snake case, and either a -1, 0, or 1 to indicate Deny, Inherit or Allow.

edit <rolemenu name> <arg1> <arg2> [<arg3>] will edit the role menu of the specified name. This command must be sent in the channel that the role menu exists in. It will only edit the role menu - if the reason you are editing is because you are adding or removing channels or roles, you need to manually create or remove these channels or roles. I figure this will be an infrequent thing and so I decided to leave the option open regarding what to do here.

<arg1> should be one of the following commands add, remove, update

add will add a role to a rolemenu arg2 should be the name of the role to be added arg3 is not required

remove will remove a role from a rolemenu arg2 should be the name of the role to be removed arg3 is not required

update will edit the name of a role in a rolemenu arg2 should be the name of the role to change arg3 should be the name you wish to change it to

Reporting and Verification

In the "reportingChannels" section of config.json you can add a list of lists to specify what channels should be listened to and a channel where messages should be reposted. The first item in the list is the listening channel, the second item is the channel to repost the message in, and the final item is the message that should be reposted. The @user, @message, and @<Role>$ keywords will be replaced with the author (As a mention), message of the sender, and the role name respectively

Feature can be disabled by leaving "reportingChannels" an empty list []

Message edit and delete monitoring

To allow for full community moderation, any edited or deleted message can be reposted in a channel specified in config.json under "moderationChannel". By default this is edit-delete-log. Users and channels can be added to an allowlist in relevant fields in the config file to assist with custom moderation of specific parts of the server.

Feature can be disabled by leaving "moderationChannel" an empty string ""

Channel locking

Low level authorisation required

Channels that have been created with the automated channel creation can also be locked for a period of time by disabling send message permissions to the role that makes that channel available. This can be helpful during exams and assessment tasks in order to help moderate for academic integrity.

lock [channelName [timestampStart timestampEnd] ] is a manual command that will disable send message permissions to the role with the same name as the selected channel. If no arguments are given, the selected channel is the name of the channel in which the command is sent. If a single argument is given, the selected channel will be the channel whose name matches the argument. In either of these cases, a message will be sent by the bot into the channel the command was sent with an unlocked padlock, a user with low level authorisation adding their reaction to this message will unlock the channel again.

If a channel name is specified, additionally you can include two 24 hour timestamps to lock and unlock which will automatically add a temporary task as described below. The timestamps should be 24 hour colon separated integers in a format like 16:55. The channel will lock the next time the current time matches the first timestamp, and unlock the next time the current time matches the second timestamp. In this case a message will be sent by the bot to confirm registration, and then at the time of locking a message will be sent to the log channel with an unlocked padlock reaction which can be used to unlock the channel early if necessary.


Alternatively, a file with a schedule of lock and unlock times can be added into the root directory with an addfile command, and registered with regtask <filename>. Registered task files will lock and unlock channels automatically according to the times specified, and the timezone specified in the config file. Note that the time will not fall exactly on the minute so it is recommended to choose a time slightly earlier than the exact time that you need a channel to be locked. The format of times in this file should match that of linux cron jobs. If at any point you are not using a specific file anymore, it is recommended that you run unregtask <filename> to unmount the task and save processing power. Files can be validated by using the command checktask <filename> which will validate the task file.

File Manipulation

High level authorisation required

It is possible to update the config file or add a new json file for channel creation straight from discord!

addfile with an attached file will add a file to the cwd - if the file already exists you can pass either -o to overwrite, or -a to add a copy in which case the file will be added with an integer eg. (1) added to the filename

remfile <filename> will remove a file from the cwd - Source files are protected from being removed

listfiles will list all files currently the cwd - Source files are excluded

Updating Bot

High level authorisation required

RainbowBot has a built in method of running a shell script on demand. This can be used to pull the latest update from GitHub and restart the bot, but it can have many other applications.

update will run an executable shell script in the cwd named This filename is hardcoded for security purposes and the file cannot be added or edited using any of the bot commands, it will need to be added to the server another way.

Direct Message support

The bot has the capability to receive Direct Messages from users and repost their questions in a moderators channel. The bot looks through all mutual servers it has with the user and posts in all channels where the name matches the name specified in "logChannel".

Feature can be disabled by leaving "logChannel" an empty string ""


Rainbow bot can be deployed in two different ways, on a local server or deployed in a cloud environment.


Local deployment can be setup as per the instructions specified at the start of this README. The OAuth token can either be stored in the config file or passed in as an environment variable. The bot will create a data file named data.dat in the current working directory along with a tenants directory, and will also look for the config file here by default. It is not necessary or recommended to change the data file or the tenants directory in any way. The location of the data file and config file can be modified using the command line arguments specified below.


Cloud deployment is optimised for Heroku with an AWS S3 bucket for persistent storage. Ensure that all required environment variables are defined or else the bot may not work as expected. It is recommended that the PaperTrail addon is included with a Heroku deployment to help manage logs.

The first time the bot is run, the config.json file will need to be uploaded to the S3 bucket manually. This requirement will be changing in a future update as you will soon be able to optionally start the bot without a config file. Subsequent updates to the config can be achieved by sending the command addconfig with the updated config.json file attached to the discord message.

In addition to config.json, the bot will create a second data file in the bucket which it will maintain. It is not necessary or recommended to change this in any way. By default this file will be named data.dat.

Environment Variable Reference

  • OAuthToken: Value should be the discord bot OAuth token. Can be optionally declared here on in the config file. Variable will override config value if both are defined.
  • ENVIRONMENT: Value should be PRODUCTION when deployed to a cloud environment. Optional in other scenarios
  • AMAZON_S3_BUCKET_NAME: Name of S3 bucket. Required when deployed to a cloud environment
  • AMAZON_S3_ACCESS_ID: Access ID of Amazon IAM user with S3 bucket read/write permissions. Required when deployed to a cloud environment
  • AMAZON_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Secret Access Key of Amazon IAM user with S3 bucket read/write permissions. Required when deployed to a cloud environment

Command Line Arguments

  • --config-file <filepath> will modify the location that the bot looks for config.json
  • --data-file <filepath> will modify the location that the bot saves its data file.


Contributions are welcome! Please read the contribution guide before commencing development


Tasks for future development are maintained as issues




This discord bot has a variety of moderation tools and features to generate and maintain text channels for courses taken by university students in a community server. It is optimised for cloud deployment and is multitenanted to manage several servers with a single instance

License:MIT License


Language:Python 98.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%Language:Makefile 0.6%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Procfile 0.0%