LachlanCourt / comp2230_a1

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COMP2230 - Algorithms

Assignment 1


Assignment was split into two separate problems

  1. Create a program that uses a Depth First Search to develop a maze, and output to a text file in a format specified as follows width,height:start_node:end_node:cell_openness_list, where cell_openness_list describes the state of the right and bottom walls of a cell and hold the values

0: Both closed

1: Right only open

2: Down only open

3: both open

  1. Create a program that uses a Depth First Search to solve a maze, given an input file generated from the program described above


  1. javac
  2. javac


  1. java MazeGenerator <width> <height> <filename> with filename as an output file
  2. java MazeSolverDFS <filename> [showBacktracking:true] where filename refers to a file generated from the previous step and showBacktracking is an optional boolean to indicate whether the solution should include any backtracking as it discovered the solution



Language:Java 100.0%