LabSound / LabSound

:microscope: :speaker: graph-based audio engine

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CMake defaults to MD runtime

raub opened this issue · comments

The default CMake flags set /MD which is for DLL. Static libs should be compiled with /MT to avoid errors like:

LabSound.lib(AudioParam.obj) : error LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MD_DynamicRelease' doesn't match value 'MT_StaticRelease' in bindings.obj

On Windows I was able to override the RTL selection by using the following command to build LabSound:


Good find, thanks. I bumped the cmake minimum to 3.15, and set the policy in the root cmakelists.txt file. I added a line of documentation with it to tell how to set the MultiThreaded library from the variable, as you've shown in your example. a80d6d7

Are you going to add a new release/tag anytime soon, or is it better to just take the main branch?

You might have noticed the activity on the waveshapernode. i think the threading problems will be resolved soon, and the fixes are important enough to make s new release.

Things are stable enough now that I think it is safe to use main, a point release should come soon though. Maybe within several days.

Yeah, I saw that. I'm now debugging another issue that has bothered me for a long time. I will report when I have progress.

By the way, consider removing folder - it is outdated, and also I found a better way to build everything with CMake (as in

Ah, thanks for the note about the qmake folder. I don't use qmake, and was wondering if anyone was using it.