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ChannelSplitter/Merger - can only get first 2 channels from 6 channel Bus

dug9 opened this issue · comments


In the Examples.hpp ex_split_merge, the .wav when played with desktop media sequentially iterates over 5 channels "Front Left" "Front Right" "Center" "Back Left" "Back Right"
When I change the example to get the 3rd and 4th channels,
context->connect(merger, splitter, 0, 3); // "Back Left" should go to left channel 0
context->connect(merger, splitter, 1, 2); // "Center" should go to right channel 1
I expect to hear "Back Left" and "Center". I hear nothing.

Confirmed with a mod to the example.

        ac.connect(merger, splitter, 0, 0); // front-left
        ac.connect(merger, splitter, 1, 1); // front right
        ac.connect(merger, splitter, 2, 0); // center
        ac.connect(merger, splitter, 2, 1); // center
        ac.connect(merger, splitter, 3, 1); // back left
        ac.connect(merger, splitter, 4, 0); // back right
        ac.connect(merger, splitter, 5, 1); // tone

fixed with pull request