LaKabane / tNETacle

Decentralized VPN

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Binary package

gvsurenderreddy opened this issue · comments

hello ,

Can u please provide binaries for debian 32 bit and 64


Thanks for your interest in the tNETacle project, you are the first person to contact us since its creation five years ago ! Unfortunately the project is currently on hold as we stopped working on it and left it as it is. I am not sure if it is still possible to compile it as the dependencies evolved. This is not a promise but I will look at it if I have time this week.


As a side note:
Even if you get the binaries, please bear in mind that this project should NOT be used for any kind of production environment. Only suited if you want to play around with a PoC (not even calling it alpha at this stage).