LUSHDigital / core-lush

Used for LUSH specific infrastructure

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RefreshableClaims API is hard to understand, and possibly broken

ladydascalie opened this issue · comments


I believe the following methods are incorrectly named:

  • VerifyExpiresAt(now time.Time) bool
  • VerifyIssuedAt(now time.Time) bool
  • VerifyNotBefore(now time.Time) bool

Since they are boolean returns, their names feel very strange, indeed I think the following could be better:

  • IsExpired(now time.Time, grace time.Duration) bool
  • IsIssuedBefore(now time.Time) bool
  • NotValidBefore(now time.Time) bool


The current behaviour of VerifyExpiresAt seems wrong, and is hard to understand:

// VerifyExpiresAt compares the exp claim against a timestamp.
// Will change behaviour depending on the value of corelush.TimeFunc
func (c *Claims) VerifyExpiresAt(now time.Time) bool {
	if c.ExpiresAt == 0 {
		return false
	return now.Unix() <= c.ExpiresAt // <--- this is very confusing to me

I would suggest changing it to the following:

// VerifyExpiresAt compares the exp claim against a timestamp.
// Will change behaviour depending on the value of corelush.TimeFunc
func (c *Claims) VerifyExpiresAt(now time.Time, grace time.Duration) bool {
        if grace < 0 {
                grace = 0
        if c.ExpiresAt == 0 {
	    	return false
        graceDate := time.Unix(c.ExpiresAt, 0).Add(grace)
        return now.After(graceDate)