LSatan / SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib

This driver library can be used for many libraries that use a simple RF ASK module, with the advantages of the cc1101 module. It offers many direct setting options as in SmartRF Studio and calculates settings such as MHz directly.

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Unable to use FSK modulation with Rc-switch example

smolbun opened this issue · comments

I've set ELECHOUSE_cc1101.setModulation(0); under .Init() .
The other example that uses internal transmission works well, but how does internal transmission differ from SetTx()? For the rc-switch example I notice that the actual duration of each HIGH / LOW pulse is sent via GDO0

This is what it looks like when I set modulation to 2FSK

When using ASK, a 0 or LOW pulse means the end of a transmission. But for FSK, a 0 or LOW pulse doesn't mean the same. To deal with this difference, one way is to reset the module after each transmission using setSres() and re-initialize for before every transmission.