LN-Zap / zap-desktop

Zap Wallet - Cross platform Lightning Network wallet focused on user experience and ease of use ⚡️

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Zap starts with blank window, is there a log file somewhere?

fabianfabian opened this issue · comments

Zap starts with empty screen, probably the issue is on my end as I mess around a lot with different lnd versions / ssh tunnels / certs and what not.

Before I bother you too much I'd like to troubleshoot myself but I don't know where to start. Is there a log file, console or error output somewhere so I can find out what is happening in the background?

Expected Behavior

Zap should show my wallet balance and channels

Actual Behavior

Zap starts with blank window. I can open and close Preferences but nothing more. No error, just blank window:

Screen recording of the problem


I occasionally use Zap desktop as a "view" to my LND node on a different device through a SSH tunnel.
After a few months I started Zap again, it auto updated and showed me a blank screen.

Your Environment

  • Zap version: 0.7.5-beta
  • Operating System and version: macOS 12.1 / M1 air

This appears to be the same bug as #3774

What version of lnd are you connecting to?

lnd version 0.14.1-beta commit=v0.14.1-beta

Could you try with a build from master branch where I think this issue is fixed (assuming it's the same as #3774)?

Checkout the code, run yarn && yarn package and then try starting the resulting package. See https://github.com/LN-Zap/zap-desktop/blob/master/docs/ADVANCED.md#packaging


I haven't tried master yet but locking LND (by restarting it) and then starting Zap works, I can unlock with Zap and then continue.

Restarting Zap after LND is already unlocked gives the problem again.

Yeah, then it's the same issue as #3774. Closing as a duplicate.