LMBishop / MoneyPouch

MoneyPouch plugin for Spigot, which adds pouches containing random amounts of money.

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Placeholderapi support for more "economytype"?

Reeferx7 opened this issue · comments

Hello can you add support to placeholderapi placeholders with command type example:

  name: "Tokens"
  item: "CHEST"
 command: tokens give player %amount%
    from: 10
    to: 100
   economytype: "%placeholder_api_placeholder%"
    - "&7Open this pouch to receive Tokens!"

Is tha possible to be done?

I agree and disagree with this idea a bit..
Adding bounch of economy values seems not
To be a good solution. Instead of supporting all types of economies (may next come with next currentcy?) the execution of commands should be a possible option.

Well its more the part with the support to let a pouch
Execute a command (like a command from console). This would Minimum need placeholders for player and amount. (The amount he got - defined in from-to setting of the pouch)

Any..may others too? ;)

The command: tokens give player %amount% should be listed under options, not where the OT wishes to list it in his example. why?..well like the permission..the command is just an Option.
With the support to execute commands, i think he could release the OTs idea with supporting his token economy too :)

  name: "Tokens"
  item: "CHEST"
    from: 10
    to: 100
   economytype: command
   command: tokens give %player% %amount%
   permission-required: true      # requires permission "moneypouch.pouches.token-1"
    - "&7Open this pouch to receive Tokens!

Little Questionen here: are multiple lines supported for the lore?