Cellular automata code for alloy nucleation and solidification written with Kokkos

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Release 1.2

streeve opened this issue · comments

Planning for next release; tentative release notes below.

New features:

  • Optional JSON input files (main input, material input, and analysis input) and log file
  • Optional JSON output files
  • Version/commit output functions
  • Significant update to analysis routines


  • Reduced total communication by converting grain ID into separate grain orientation and repeat value which avoids type conversion issues
  • Reduce communication buffer sizes from total halo region to the total active communicated cells (plus buffer space)

Deprecated features:

  • Problems without remelting with spot arrays and temperature file input
  • Plain text input files (main input, material input, and analysis input) and log file

Deprecated feature removal:

  • Decomposition strategy as a code input (a 1D domain decomposition in the Y direction is now used for all simulations with multiple MPI ranks)

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Temperature interpolation errors near boundaries
  • Nucleation unit test race condition fixed
  • Fixed layer height initialization edge case bug that affected the first layer on the baseplate
  • Fixed edge case with remelting and rapid cooling/reheating of cells where time step would attempt to fast-forward despite the presence of superheated liquid cells whose solidification had not yet been modeled

Minimum dependency version updates:

  • Kokkos 3.2
  • CMake 3.12

New optional dependency:

  • nlohmann/json (minimum 3.10)


