LGUG2Z / komorebi

A tiling window manager for Windows 🍉

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[FEAT]: Static config entry: remove-title-bar

thomasroodnl opened this issue · comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I have recently encountered programs which have annoying title bars. I found that using komorebic remove-title-bar combined with komorebic toggle-title-bars takes care of these well. However, I could not find a way to define the title bar rules in the static config I am using. I have checked the schema.json and docs but I could not find any entries related to title-bar removal.

Describe the solution you'd like
It would be great if the possibility of defining these rules could be added to the schema. I imagine it could be defined similarly to the "float_rules" property, with a list of application to which to apply the title-bar removal.

Describe alternatives you've considered
One alternative is to switch back to dynamic config and running the above commands in it, though I am much happier with the static config. Additionally I could run the commands using my Autohotkey script on top of the static config.

Additional context
I can not think of any, please let me know if more info is required for this request :).

I am closing this as it is not really a relevant feature for me anymore. I mainly needed it because of the obnoxious title-bar introduced by my own fix of the Jetbrains flickering issue. Since that issue is now resolved, I do not have to remove that title-bar anymore. Feel free to re-open if this feature is useful to you.