LGUG2Z / komorebi

A tiling window manager for Windows 🍉

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[BUG]: JetBrains IDE contents get offset until hovered over when running Komorebi

Insprill opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When a JetBrains IDE is tiled with Komorebi, the contents will randomly get offset a few pixels to the left, making editing difficult as code doesn't line up, and characters will sometimes get visually duplicated until the UI updates.
This issue is present in 2023 and 2024 edition IDEs and has been reproducible with IntelliJ and Rider.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open one of JetBrains' IDEs (IntelliJ, for example).
  2. Open a project or folder.
  3. Move your cursor around the UI and focus/unfocus the IDE.
  4. See bug

Expected behavior
IDE contents should be rendered correctly.

Screenshots and Videos


Operating System

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
OS Version:                10.0.22631 N/A Build 22631

komorebic check Output

No KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME detected, defaulting to C:\Users\Insprill

Looking for configuration files in C:\Users\Insprill

Found komorebi.json; this file can be passed to the start command with the --config flag

No ~/.config/whkdrc found; you may not be able to control komorebi with your keyboard

Additional Context
Possibly related to #781.

I've been dealing with this for as long as I can remember with JetBrains IDEs and komorebi, I'm not 100% sure what triggers it, but lately I've noticed that this almost always starts happening whenever the border hwnd breaks. My own personal workaround for this is unfortunately just komorebic stop; komorebic start 😞

I use multiple displays are different orientations/sizes and its pretty much guaranteed that jetbrains IDEs (notably rider in my case) consistently just get drawn offset and then fix themselves as you use them. This specifically even happens if i dont change workspaces on a monitor, and just navigate between monitors using hot keys.

I have also seen it where my border just eventually vanishes .. turning white first before it does.

Sometimes it comes back tho.

Regardless of border drawing though, rider is always offset if i navigate away from it and back.

Hello, can you tell me how to make komorebi recognize Intellij? My computer cannot recognize it.
@Insprill @LGUG2Z @allora

This may possibly improve the content offsets as well: 54c58be

I had to wait for the border to break to test this, and it just did. All contents are staying in place! I also tested it with a different runtime, and the contents are no longer getting vertically offset, either.
Edit: I spoke too soon. It's better now, but it still happens sometimes. I think it's related to switching workspaces, but I haven't narrowed it down yet.

After testing this more, switching workspaces is the only time I've seen it happen.