LGUG2Z / komorebi

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[BUG]: Toggle Pause Off not coming through in Named Pipe (to YASB)

jpmiller25 opened this issue · comments

Diagnosing some issues in the YASB integration, I found that it seems the TogglePause event is coming through on the named pipe only when toggling pause ON. When toggling pause OFF, there is no event, so YASB is not picking it up.
I'm completely lost in rust, just barely fluent in Python, so I'm not sure how to check from komorebi side. If yall can confirm the pipe is working from komorebi, just let me know I'll go back to messing with yasb :)

To Reproduce
I added a logger in the YASB event listener on the named pipe. I'm logging all buffer reads (win32pipe.PeekNamedPipe()) to make sure I'm getting the raw pipe, rather than anything after YASB code filters anything out. The event is not coming through when toggling Pause OFF.

Expected behavior
Pipe events when toggling pause on and off

Operating System
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Business
OS Version: 10.0.19045 N/A Build 19045

komorebic check Output

KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME detected: C:\Users\jmiller\.config\komorebi

Looking for configuration files in C:\Users\jmiller\.config\komorebi

Found komorebi.json; this file can be passed to the start command with the --config flag

Found C:\Users\jmiller\.config\whkdrc; key bindings will be loaded from here when whkd is started, and you can start it automatically using the --whkd flag

Additional context
Running 0.1.24 release, latest main branch of darth/yasb.

yes, i use your yasb , in python version, i can focus windows,then the active workspace can change.I read rust version,I found it not work when add KomorebiFocusNamedWorkspace listener


Fixed here, the untile event now gets sent properly 🎉