LGUG2Z / komorebi

A tiling window manager for Windows 🍉

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[FEAT]: Manage float windows.

soluty opened this issue · comments

First, Thank you for the awesome work, it is now the best tiling wm i have find in windows! GlazeWM is slow and sometimes will crash in my computer.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
In GlazeWM, it has float layer and tiled layer, and i can change my wm work in which layer, in float layer i can move and resize app window, and also can switch window, some window maybe want to managed by wm , but dont want to be tiled. i cant find a way to
do this by reading the hole doc, so i want to know is this possible in komorebi like which in GlazeWM

to add some context for implimentation: GlazeWM has a binding that lets you move your focus-tracking the 'floating' layer on a toggle, called focus floating/tiling (alt+space) in the keybindings image on https://github.com/glzr-io/glazewm

My haven't-looked-deeply-at-komorebi-impl view of this is that a way to do it is to just track them as if they're tiled but on a different index, and then have the focus-selection behavior swap between the indices.

if no one gets to it this week, I'll see if I can hack a prototype together, it seems like it might be low hanging fruit depending on how windows are already handled.

The one snag I can see if the project goes for copying that feature completely, is moving the floating windows, since it seems like it would require either:

  • rewriting komorebic move to have a separate behavior when floating
  • rewriting komorebi to understand floating/not-floating and have different behaviors for commands based on it
  • or rewriting a different set of commands (so two sets of 'move' bindings) that work on the floating windows (sorta pessimal imo)