LGUG2Z / komorebi

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[BUG]: Autostart with AHK "Script file not found"

melMass opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When using the --ahk flag of autostart I'm now getting this error

Tbh I'm not sure of what komorebi expects, I did copy the lib there to be sure too yet it still errors out

Expected behavior
A clearer error.

Screenshots and Videos

Operating System
Provide the output of systeminfo | grep "^OS Name\|^OS Version"

For example:

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
OS Version:                10.0.22000 N/A Build 22000

komorebic check Output

No KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME detected, defaulting to C:\Users\User

Looking for configuration files in C:\Users\User

No komorebi configuration found in C:\Users\User

If running 'komorebic start --await-configuration', you will manually have to call the following command to begin tiling: komorebic complete-configuration

Additional Context

The content of my AHK script:

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

#Include lib/komorebic.lib.ahk

; Ctrl - ^
; Alt - !
; Shift - +
; Win - #

; AltFocusHack("enable")

; Focus windows

    RunWait("C:/Users/User/.cargo/bin/alacritty.exe --working-directory C:/Users/User")

; Move windows

; Stack windows

; Resize
!NumpadAdd::ResizeAxis("vertical", "increase")
!NumpadSub::ResizeAxis("vertical", "decrease")
!NumpadMult::ResizeAxis("horizontal", "increase")
!NumpadDiv::ResizeAxis("horizontal", "decrease")

; Manipulate wineows

; Window manager options

; Layouts

; Workspaces

; Move windows across workspaces

; Caps lock as Esc

I have this same issue, reported here. #645
As a workaround, I added a link to the autohotkey script to the startup folder to start it independently.
Someone suggested making sure the executable name is autohotkey.exe, and that it's in your path environment variable. IDK, didn't fix it for me, I have ahk installed through scoop which puts everything in the path.

I'm not seeing anything obvious in the code that would cause this.

start tries to locate the ahk file using HOME_DIR:

let config_ahk = HOME_DIR.join("komorebi.ahk");

HOME_DIR respects the KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME environment variable:


enable-autostart constructs a shortcut file which calls the start command with the --ahk flag:

arguments.push_str(" --ahk");

... which respects the custom config home env var, etc.

Maybe someone else can take a look and see if I'm missing something here?

I have the same problem, I manually compiled komorebi.

I also tried placing a shortcut to the autohotkey script, and adding a line in the autohotkey script that autostarts komorebi:

RunWait("komorebic.exe start", ,"Hide")

What I found was that komorebi did startup, but it did not use the komorebi.json or applications.yaml, so application windows weren't being placed correctly and configurations like window borders didn't display. and if I ran:

RunWait("komorebic.exe start --ahk", ,"Hide")

It would just give me an error saying komorebi.ahk not found