LCAV / pyroomacoustics

Pyroomacoustics is a package for audio signal processing for indoor applications. It was developed as a fast prototyping platform for beamforming algorithms in indoor scenarios.

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Waves in the signal after convolving the signal with the RIR

yuvalvars opened this issue · comments

After using the room simulation from pyroomacoustics, i recived small waves in the convolved signal. Has anyone else had this problem? I think that such a problem can be caused by a high nOrder (and reducing it might solve the problem). Where can i change the nOrder? After using a different RIR generator on the same signal i didnt get this problem (so the problem is not with the signal but with the rir).

Hello. Could you please show us an example of what you mean ? Please include both the RIR and the convolved signal.


convolved signal:

original signal:

different RIR example that didnt show this problem (not from pyroomacoustics):

the convolved signal:

How is the original signal?
Looking at this, it seems like it may be the original signal that has the low frequency component to begin with.
The pyroomacoustics RIR is not low pass filtered, so the low frequencies are preserved.
The different RIR example appears to be low pass filtered. In this case, the convolved signal will also be low pass filtered by associativity of the convolution operation.