Kwpolska / upass

Console UI for pass.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Option to only show top directories

BarbzYHOOL opened this issue · comments


When we launch upass, we get to see base directories and all their subdirs, it's very handy but there could be a switch to turn it off and see only the base/root dirs.

upass --base-dir
upass -b

I second this. I was expecting a folder structure tree much like the output of pass show, and I still kind of want that. Would be nice to set this in the config file imo.

You are talking about two different features.

@BarbzYHOOL wants less flattening of the structure.

@thurstylark wants to see everything on one page.

I am fine with both being implemented as options. The default view is fine IMO. PRs to add either of the options are always welcome.

@Kwpolska You're right about what I actually said (and I still kinda think it's a good idea), but I misspoke about my idea.

I was instead envisioning a display that just shows the top-level dirs, and then shows subdirs after selecting a top-level dir.

Again, I think both would be cool, but I definitely would prefer the latter.