Kunal-Diwan / FileSearchBot

Telegram Inline Files Search Bot made using JS by @Kunal-Diwan

Home Page:http://t.me/InlineFileSearchBot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


stores files with file_id on telegram ( "This bot is only for storing and sending files and not for promoting violation of copyright")


required details

TOKEN - Get bot token from bot father

DOMAIN - Same as app name that you enter in heroku

ADMIN - your account id(if you cant find it use bots like @getidsbot )

CHANNEL_USERNAME - your channel username without '@'

DB_URL - create an account on https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas , database name - mediaFile ,collection name - fileBackup.Click connect and choose 'connect your application'.Copy the link and replace "< password >" with password of user having acess to db and replace "myFirstDatabase" to "mediaFile"

GROUP_ID - create a private group or channel to get users search and failed search ,so you can notify them after uploading content

we have added some tutorials on how to use t.me/filestoringbot


⚠ Let me warn you bot is bit old school you have to eveything manually

How to save file?

1.send document to bot it will return a file_id

2.copy file_id

3.use the following format /save file name,file_id

4.To add more than one files seperate multiple file_id with coma /save file name,file_id,file_id2,file_id3,file_id4

How to save file?

1.To update already existing filter eg.if you missed one episode of a series

2.use /update file name,file_id

How to broadcast to all users?

/send your message


Files that are forwarded to bot will get saved for getting inline search result with caption ,manually saved files may not be having captions for now


Telegram Inline Files Search Bot made using JS by @Kunal-Diwan


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%