KumareshBabuNS / cloud-foundry-pivotal

This repo contains a sample Spring Boot app and steps to deploy the app to Cloud Foundry

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repo contains a sample Spring Boot app and steps to deploy the app to Pivotal Web Services


$cf help


  • Clone the sample app repo
$git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry-samples/cf-sample-app-spring.git
  • Navigate to the app directory
$cd cf-sample-app-spring
  • Login to Pivotal Web Service (PWS)
$cf login -a https://api.run.pivotal.io
  • Enter your PWS account user name and password to authenticate

  • Push code to PWS

$cf push

Screenshot: Img1


  • View app logs
$cf logs cf-spring --recent
$cf logs cf-spring --recent
# to live stream the logs to console
$cf logs cf-spring  

Press Control C to stop streaming.



  • Connect a Database to the application. We use ElephantSQL
$cf marketplace -s elephantsql

Screenshot: Img4

$cf create-service elephantsql turtle cf-spring-db

$cf bind-service cf-spring cf-spring-db

# Restart the app
$cf restart cf-spring

# Verify the new service is bound to the app
$cf services

Screenshot: Img5

Scaling the application

  • Scaling the app horizontally adds or removes app instances. Adding more instances allows the application to handle increased traffic and demand.
# Increase the number of app instances from one to two
$cf scale cf-spring -i 2

# Check the status of the app and verify there are two instances running
$cf app cf-spring
  • Scaling the app vertically changes the disk space limit or memory limit for each app instance
# Increase the memory limit for each app instance
$cf scale cf-spring -m 1G

# Increase the disk limit for each app instance
$cf scale cf-spring -k 512M

Deleting the services and undeploying the application

# Need to unbind a service before deletion
$cf unbind-service cf-spring cf-spring-db

$cf delete-service cf-spring-db

# Delete the application by using delete command. -r deletes all routes associated with the app
$cf delete cf-spring -r

Screenshot: Img6


This repo contains a sample Spring Boot app and steps to deploy the app to Cloud Foundry