Kukks / Blazor.Ionic

Integration of Ionic5 into Blazor

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Can `OnClick` become `@onclick`?

DanGould opened this issue · comments

In the demo I see you're using OnClick on IonButton for example. Can the EventHandler from @onclick serve that purpose so that there is one standard interface? What would need to change?

OnClick adds some additional functionality, notably navigating internally when a relative href attribute is provided:

 protected bool ShouldInterceptHref => InputAttributes != null && (InputAttributes.ContainsKey("href") &&
                                                                               out var target) ||
                                                                               .TrimStart('_') == "self"));

        protected async Task OnClickCallback(MouseEventArgs obj)
            if (ShouldInterceptHref)
                await OnClick.InvokeAsync(obj);

You don't need to use it, but I would advise against it to avoid glitches