Kubessandra / react-google-calendar-api

An api to manage your google calendar

Repository from Github https://github.comKubessandra/react-google-calendar-apiRepository from Github https://github.comKubessandra/react-google-calendar-api

Add new features getBasicProfile, get and Delete and improve event createEventFromNow

bateradt opened this issue · comments

Hello everyone, first of all thanks for this library being very useful and helping me a lot.

I need to add new events to this library, I will do a PR with the new features below:

getBasicProfile () - https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/reference#googleusergetbasicprofile
get () - https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/events/get
delete () - https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/events/delete

I saw that some resources above have a PR, but were never closed, so basically I merged these changes with my branch and added just getBasicProfile.

I hope this helps the community

Thank you.

Thank you

if you need any help, im free to help!

Thank you

if you need any help, im free to help!

Can you review the PR please?

I will review the PR tomorrow, thank you !
(You have some conflicts with master, if you can rebase from master)

@Kubessandra Thank you for your time. I fixed the conflicts but the Travis CI given an error:

"/home/travis/.travis/functions: line 109: ./.testEnv.sh: Permission denied
The command "./.testEnv.sh" failed and exited with 126 during ."

What i should to do? Do you have some idea?