Koushikphy / System-Status-Checker

A dashboard like webserver built with django to check system status of multiple PC/Workstation/Cluster in a single place.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

System Status Checker

A dashboard like webserver built with django to check system status of multiple PC/Workstation/Cluster in a single place.

Get Started:

  1. Install Django-3 and clone this repo.
  2. Make database migrations and create a superuser.
  3. From the admin panel (/admin/) add your server, ip address, commands to run etc.
  4. A list of predefined commands is already given in the models.py and they can be set using server type option.
  5. Now go to home (/home/) to check the status of the added systems. Use refresh to get latest status.
  1. Make request asynchronous.
  2. Continuous update status in chunks.


A dashboard like webserver built with django to check system status of multiple PC/Workstation/Cluster in a single place.


Language:HTML 54.5%Language:Python 45.5%