Kounex / obs_blade

Make use of the OBS WebSocket Plugin (https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket) and control your stream

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Latest version bug

sanunes27 opened this issue · comments


Hi, thank you for this great app. I use the ios version. With the new version, I noticed the scenes order is the opposite of what we have in obs. So, my first scene in OBS is always the last on the list on the app. It’s really confusing to manage the scenes this way. Is there a way to fix it?

Again, thank you for this great plugin.

You are right, the order changed without me changing the logic - seems the way I receive it from the API itself changed.

I will sort it myself and push an update later :)


You are right, the order changed without me changing the logic - seems the way I receive it from the API itself changed.

I will sort it myself and push an update later :)

Thank you! I thought I changed something wrong and was going crazy on the settings. Thank you! Your work has helped me so much this year!

Glad to hear that! :)

I pushed version 3.0.2 to the stores which fixes this, should be downloadable soon!