Kotlin / kotlin-interactive-shell

Kotlin Language Interactive Shell

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make first class support for coroutines

neworld opened this issue · comments

I am considering kotlin and coroutines as an inseparable couple. Would be nice to have a super-easy way to test them. For the best experience, I am missing few features:

  • Easy way to include coroutines package instead of @file:DependsOn("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.4.3"). For example :coroutines or :c. Or support parameters, like ki --coroutines. I don't mind if coroutines will be included by default.
  • Suspend function mode. Currently I am needed to write runBlocking { flowOf(42).first() }. But would be nice to be able write something like that:
[20] flowOf(42)
res17: kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<Int> = kotlinx.coroutines.flow.FlowKt__BuildersKt$flowOf$$inlined$unsafeFlow$2@5863ef93
[21] res17.first() //does not work for now
res18: String = 42

This could work as a special mode enabled with :coroutines along with imported packages or could be another command like :suspend or :s which toggles suspend mode on/off.

  • Do not expose implementation details like FlowKt__BuildersKt$flowOf$$inlined$unsafeFlow$2@5863ef93
  • I am not sure if it is possible, but would be nice to cancel the suspended coroutine with some shortcut. For example with ctrl-C. It could be very useful if a never-ending coroutine was launched by accident.

Thank you!

I need to do some research here, but I'll back.

Maybe it could be an even wider feature request, not only a special mode for ki, but also a special mode for any other Kotlin script, I also interested in this feature and in the context of .kts files too. Should I create a feature request on kotlin issue tracker?

Any updates on this?