Kotlin / kotlin-interactive-shell

Kotlin Language Interactive Shell

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Offer a homebrew installation option

kevincianfarini opened this issue · comments

It'd be great if users could have easy access to installation and updates with homebrew!

@asm0dey and @khud, I'm trying to add this project to Homebrew so folks can brew install ki for easier use.

The Homewbrew CI checks won't pass because the Maven Jar plugin (2.6) doesn't work on the Big Sur M1 instance. I've found that if I update the Maven Jar plugin to 3.2.0, everything goes great. If we want ki on Homebrew, we'll need to do the following.

  1. Merge this PR to bump the Maven Jar plugin #64
  2. Release a new version of kotlin-interactive shell (v0.3.3 or something)
  3. Update the Homebrew PR to use the new version Homebrew/homebrew-core#74409
  4. Shepherd the Homebrew PR through the review process

I can take care of 3 and 4 if y'all can help me on 1 and 2.

@asm0dey and @khud, can one of y'all please tag a new release? The Homebrew formula needs to pull from the canonical repository (this one) and can't use my fork as the base.

We will do it soon. I need to fix a couple of things.

Roger that. Thank you!

Hi @SalvatoreT!

We've updated shell file and created new release with fixed command-line launcher. Feel free to update jreleaser.toml or update ki yourself!

We've provided our own formula in jetbrains/utils tap: https://github.com/JetBrains/homebrew-utils/blob/master/Formula/ki.rb

Hey @asm0dey, I'm glad y'all got something set up!

I am a bit frustrated that I spent time trying to add ki to homebrew-core if it was supposed to go into the JetBrains homebrew-utils project the whole time. If you would have told me at the start, I would have happily added it there instead.

@SalvatoreT no-no-no, it's definitely better to have it in the homebrew core! homebrew-utils is just a spare option in case if something will go wrong.

We will update it, but let's be honest: nobody knows about it. And of course, we will add homebrew-core to the README as installation option as soon as it will become available!

Thank you for your effort and we're waiting for your PR to be merged!

@SalvatoreT I greatly appreciate your efforts. Thank you.

@SalvatoreT no-no-no, it's definitely better to have it in the homebrew core! homebrew-utils is just a spare option in case if something will go wrong.

We will update it, but let's be honest: nobody knows about it. And of course, we will add homebrew-core to the README as installation option as soon as it will become available!

Thank you for your effort and we're waiting for your PR to be merged!

Oh! Sorry, I misunderstood the intent of your earlier message. 😅

I re-opened the homebrew-core PR, and we're back in business!

@SalvatoreT, I'm deeply sorry if my message looked rude or offensive to you. Please, excuse me for not being able to say things correctly. We highly appreciate your work and thank you again for all the effort you've made!

No, you didn't do anything wrong!

I should have asked if you wanted to keep the homebrew-core PR instead of assuming that you didn't! The fault was definitely on my end.

@SalvatoreT will it break the distribution if in next releases the root entry of a zip archive will be not 'ki', but 'ki-versionNumber'?

The Homebrew distribution is based off the lib/ki-shell.jar file (source). If needed, we can update that to point at something else. It shouldn't be too hard.

@asm0dey, I can update it if needed. Just let me know!

@SalvatoreT, thank you! Never mind, I've found a way not to change anything in a backward-incompatible way.