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Patching an upstream results in an ever increasing number of `healthcheck` events

onematchfox opened this issue · comments


Kong version: 2.4.1 (reproduced in 1.5.0 as well)

While investigating some odd healthcheck behaviour during an upgrade from Kong 1.5.0 to Kong 2.4.1 I noticed that every time I patched an upstream (e.g. changing an attribute of the active healthchecks) I got an increasing number of event logs from the healthcheck module. I'm not sure why this is occurring nor whether it had any negative side effects. But I thought I would report it nonetheless as I suspect that this could be seen as a memory leak as it would seem like something is not being correctly disposed of.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Start Kong - create a single upstream with associated target and active healthchecks enabled
  2. Observe the logs - notice the single target added event log
  3. Patch the upstream - don't actually even need to change any value - just a simple curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8001//upstreams/$guid is sufficient
  4. Observe the logs - notice that there are now 2 (or n depending on iteration) log events like:
[healthcheck] (mock) event: local cache cleared
[healthcheck] (mock) event: local cache cleared
[healthcheck] (mock) event: target added 'mock('
[healthcheck] (mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
[healthcheck] (mock) event: target added 'mock('
[healthcheck] (mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
  1. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to your heart's content noticing the ever increasing number of logs

Additional Details & Logs

  • Kong debug-level startup logs ($ kong start --vv)
  • Kong error logs (<KONG_PREFIX>/logs/error.log)
kong_1            | Waiting for PostgreSQL on 'kong-database:5432'.  up!
kong_1            | Database already bootstrapped
kong_1            | Database is already up-to-date
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] globalpatches.lua:10: installing the globalpatches
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:455: init(): [dns-client] (re)configuring dns client
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:460: init(): [dns-client] staleTtl = 4
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:463: init(): [dns-client] validTtl = nil
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:467: init(): [dns-client] noSynchronisation = false
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:486: init(): [dns-client] query order = LAST, SRV, A, CNAME
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:526: init(): [dns-client] adding A-record from 'hosts' file: localhost =
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: localhost = [::1]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-mcastprefix = [ff00::0]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-allnodes = [ff02::1]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-allrouters = [ff02::2]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-localhost = [::1]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-loopback = [::1]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:526: init(): [dns-client] adding A-record from 'hosts' file: 2605b5c63a4e =
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:526: init(): [dns-client] adding A-record from 'hosts' file: vagranthost =
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-localnet = [fe00::0]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:585: init(): [dns-client] nameserver
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:590: init(): [dns-client] attempts = 5
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:597: init(): [dns-client] no_random = true
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:606: init(): [dns-client] timeout = 2000 ms
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:610: init(): [dns-client] ndots = 1
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:612: init(): [dns-client] search =
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:618: init(): [dns-client] badTtl = 1 s
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:620: init(): [dns-client] emptyTtl = 30 s
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] globalpatches.lua:263: randomseed(): seeding PRNG from OpenSSL RAND_bytes()
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:455: init(): [dns-client] (re)configuring dns client
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:460: init(): [dns-client] staleTtl = 4
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:463: init(): [dns-client] validTtl = nil
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:467: init(): [dns-client] noSynchronisation = false
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:486: init(): [dns-client] query order = LAST, SRV, A, CNAME
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:526: init(): [dns-client] adding A-record from 'hosts' file: localhost =
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: localhost = [::1]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-mcastprefix = [ff00::0]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-allnodes = [ff02::1]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-allrouters = [ff02::2]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-localhost = [::1]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-loopback = [::1]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:526: init(): [dns-client] adding A-record from 'hosts' file: 2605b5c63a4e =
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:526: init(): [dns-client] adding A-record from 'hosts' file: vagranthost =
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:541: init(): [dns-client] adding AAAA-record from 'hosts' file: ip6-localnet = [fe00::0]
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:585: init(): [dns-client] nameserver
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:590: init(): [dns-client] attempts = 5
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:597: init(): [dns-client] no_random = true
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:606: init(): [dns-client] timeout = 2000 ms
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:610: init(): [dns-client] ndots = 1
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:612: init(): [dns-client] search =
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:618: init(): [dns-client] badTtl = 1 s
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] client.lua:620: init(): [dns-client] emptyTtl = 30 s
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 1#0: [lua] plugins.lua:245: load_plugin(): Loading plugin: request-transformer
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 1#0: using the "epoll" event method
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 1#0: openresty/
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 1#0: built by gcc 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 1#0: OS: Linux 4.15.0-143-generic
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 1#0: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1048576:1048576
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 1#0: start worker processes
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 1#0: start worker process 45
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *1 [lua] globalpatches.lua:263: randomseed(): seeding PRNG from OpenSSL RAND_bytes()
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *1 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=resty-worker-events, event=started, pid=45, data=nil
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 45#0: *1 [lua] warmup.lua:92: single_dao(): Preloading 'services' into the core_cache..., context: init_worker_by_lua*
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 45#0: *1 [lua] warmup.lua:129: single_dao(): finished preloading 'services' into the core_cache (in 50ms), context: init_worker_by_lua*
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [notice] 45#0: *2 [lua] warmup.lua:34: warming up DNS entries ..., context: ngx.timer
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] base.lua:1503: new(): [upstream:mock 1] balancer_base created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] round_robin.lua:165: new(): [upstream:mock 1] round_robin balancer created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] base.lua:917: newHost(): [upstream:mock 1] created a new host for: mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] base.lua:655: queryDns(): [upstream:mock 1] querying dns for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] base.lua:570: f(): [upstream:mock 1] dns record type changed for mock, nil -> 1
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] base.lua:370: newAddress(): [upstream:mock 1] new address for host 'mock' created: (weight 10)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] base.lua:634: f(): [upstream:mock 1] updating balancer based on dns changes for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] base.lua:644: f(): [upstream:mock 1] querying dns and updating for mock completed
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Got initial target list (0 targets)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) active check flagged as active
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Healthchecker started!
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=healthy, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b5874988
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:17 [debug] 45#0: *3 [lua] balancer.lua:844: create_balancers(): initialized 1 balancer(s), 0 error(s)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:18 [notice] 45#0: *2 [lua] warmup.lua:58: finished warming up DNS entries' into the cache (in 571ms), context: ngx.timer
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:22 [debug] 45#0: *39 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1622466257.532
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:27 [debug] 45#0: *47 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1622466257.532
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] init.lua:27: Loading Admin API endpoints
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] init.lua:118: No API endpoints loaded for plugin: request-transformer
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=dao:crud, event=update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b15c2f98
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] init.lua:250: invalidate(): [DB cache] broadcasting (cluster) invalidation for key: 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b15c2f98
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=balancer, event=upstreams, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b15c5580
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) healthchecker stopped
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] base.lua:1503: new(): [upstream:mock 2] balancer_base created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] round_robin.lua:165: new(): [upstream:mock 2] round_robin balancer created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] base.lua:917: newHost(): [upstream:mock 2] created a new host for: mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] base.lua:655: queryDns(): [upstream:mock 2] querying dns for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] base.lua:570: f(): [upstream:mock 2] dns record type changed for mock, nil -> 1
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] base.lua:370: newAddress(): [upstream:mock 2] new address for host 'mock' created: (weight 10)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] base.lua:634: f(): [upstream:mock 2] updating balancer based on dns changes for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] base.lua:644: f(): [upstream:mock 2] querying dns and updating for mock completed
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Got initial target list (0 targets)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) active check flagged as active
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Healthchecker started!
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=clear, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b159dd08
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=healthy, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b159e248
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:30 [debug] 45#0: *54 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams:update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b15c2f98
kong_1            | - - [31/May/2021:13:04:30 +0000] "PATCH /upstreams/26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca HTTP/1.1" 200 949 "-" "-"
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *58 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1622466257.532
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=dao:crud, event=update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b15882d8
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] init.lua:250: invalidate(): [DB cache] broadcasting (cluster) invalidation for key: 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b15882d8
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=balancer, event=upstreams, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b1579aa8
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) healthchecker stopped
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] base.lua:1503: new(): [upstream:mock 3] balancer_base created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] round_robin.lua:165: new(): [upstream:mock 3] round_robin balancer created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] base.lua:917: newHost(): [upstream:mock 3] created a new host for: mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] base.lua:655: queryDns(): [upstream:mock 3] querying dns for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] base.lua:570: f(): [upstream:mock 3] dns record type changed for mock, nil -> 1
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] base.lua:370: newAddress(): [upstream:mock 3] new address for host 'mock' created: (weight 10)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] base.lua:634: f(): [upstream:mock 3] updating balancer based on dns changes for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] base.lua:644: f(): [upstream:mock 3] querying dns and updating for mock completed
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Got initial target list (0 targets)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) active check flagged as active
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Healthchecker started!
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=clear, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b155ed30
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=healthy, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b155f110
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:32 [debug] 45#0: *62 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams:update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b15882d8
kong_1            | - - [31/May/2021:13:04:32 +0000] "PATCH /upstreams/26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca HTTP/1.1" 200 949 "-" "-"
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=dao:crud, event=update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b1541bf0
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] init.lua:250: invalidate(): [DB cache] broadcasting (cluster) invalidation for key: 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b1541bf0
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=balancer, event=upstreams, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b1546240
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) healthchecker stopped
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] base.lua:1503: new(): [upstream:mock 4] balancer_base created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] round_robin.lua:165: new(): [upstream:mock 4] round_robin balancer created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] base.lua:917: newHost(): [upstream:mock 4] created a new host for: mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] base.lua:655: queryDns(): [upstream:mock 4] querying dns for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] base.lua:570: f(): [upstream:mock 4] dns record type changed for mock, nil -> 1
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] base.lua:370: newAddress(): [upstream:mock 4] new address for host 'mock' created: (weight 10)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] base.lua:634: f(): [upstream:mock 4] updating balancer based on dns changes for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] base.lua:644: f(): [upstream:mock 4] querying dns and updating for mock completed
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Got initial target list (0 targets)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) active check flagged as active
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Healthchecker started!
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=clear, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b1516fb8
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=healthy, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b1517ba8
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:33 [debug] 45#0: *66 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams:update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b1541bf0
kong_1            | - - [31/May/2021:13:04:33 +0000] "PATCH /upstreams/26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca HTTP/1.1" 200 949 "-" "-"
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:34 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=dao:crud, event=update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b14f8b20
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:34 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:34 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:34 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] init.lua:250: invalidate(): [DB cache] broadcasting (cluster) invalidation for key: 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b14f8b20
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=balancer, event=upstreams, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b14fbaa8
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) healthchecker stopped
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] base.lua:1503: new(): [upstream:mock 5] balancer_base created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] round_robin.lua:165: new(): [upstream:mock 5] round_robin balancer created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] base.lua:917: newHost(): [upstream:mock 5] created a new host for: mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] base.lua:655: queryDns(): [upstream:mock 5] querying dns for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] base.lua:570: f(): [upstream:mock 5] dns record type changed for mock, nil -> 1
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] base.lua:370: newAddress(): [upstream:mock 5] new address for host 'mock' created: (weight 10)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] base.lua:634: f(): [upstream:mock 5] updating balancer based on dns changes for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] base.lua:644: f(): [upstream:mock 5] querying dns and updating for mock completed
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Got initial target list (0 targets)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) active check flagged as active
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Healthchecker started!
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=clear, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b14ce9e8
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=healthy, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b14cf150
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:35 [debug] 45#0: *70 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams:update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b14f8b20
kong_1            | - - [31/May/2021:13:04:35 +0000] "PATCH /upstreams/26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca HTTP/1.1" 200 949 "-" "-"
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=dao:crud, event=update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b14b2930
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] init.lua:250: invalidate(): [DB cache] broadcasting (cluster) invalidation for key: 'upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca:::::bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b14b2930
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=balancer, event=upstreams, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b14b4298
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] init.lua:229: invalidate_local(): [DB cache] invalidating (local): 'balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) healthchecker stopped
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] base.lua:1503: new(): [upstream:mock 6] balancer_base created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] round_robin.lua:165: new(): [upstream:mock 6] round_robin balancer created
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] base.lua:917: newHost(): [upstream:mock 6] created a new host for: mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] base.lua:655: queryDns(): [upstream:mock 6] querying dns for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] base.lua:570: f(): [upstream:mock 6] dns record type changed for mock, nil -> 1
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] base.lua:370: newAddress(): [upstream:mock 6] new address for host 'mock' created: (weight 10)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] base.lua:634: f(): [upstream:mock 6] updating balancer based on dns changes for mock
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] base.lua:644: f(): [upstream:mock 6] querying dns and updating for mock completed
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Got initial target list (0 targets)
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) active check flagged as active
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) Healthchecker started!
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:upstreams:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=mlcache, event=mlcache:invalidations:kong_core_db_cache, pid=45, data=balancer:targets:26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=clear, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b14c5218
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: local cache cleared
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event_json(): worker-events: handling event; source=lua-resty-healthcheck [bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock], event=healthy, pid=45, data=table: 0x7f62b14c5c50
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target added 'mock('
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] healthcheck.lua:1123: log(): [healthcheck] (bdd6a8cd-50a2-4650-aba2-2e2cf172dc85:mock) event: target status 'mock(' from 'false' to 'true'
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:36 [debug] 45#0: *74 [lua] events.lua:211: do_event(): worker-events: handling event; source=crud, event=upstreams:update, pid=nil, data=table: 0x7f62b14b2930
kong_1            | - - [31/May/2021:13:04:36 +0000] "PATCH /upstreams/26c5e536-8e5f-4f5d-a291-702883dedbca HTTP/1.1" 200 949 "-" "-"
kong_1            | 2021/05/31 13:04:37 [debug] 45#0: *78 [lua] init.lua:288: [cluster_events] polling events from: 1622466272.523
  "node_id": "41ee5847-31d2-4678-a2f0-2bac937f89b2",
  "tagline": "Welcome to kong",
  "timers": {
    "running": 1,
    "pending": 5
  "pids": {
    "workers": [
    "master": 1
  "configuration": {
    "pg_port": 5432,
    "pg_password": "******",
    "pg_ssl": false,
    "pg_ssl_verify": false,
    "pg_max_concurrent_queries": 0,
    "pg_semaphore_timeout": 60000,
    "lua_package_path": "./?.lua;./?/init.lua;",
    "pg_ro_ssl": false,
    "pg_ro_ssl_verify": false,
    "database": "postgres",
    "cassandra_contact_points": [
    "cassandra_port": 9042,
    "status_ssl_enabled": false,
    "cassandra_ssl": false,
    "cassandra_ssl_verify": false,
    "cassandra_write_consistency": "ONE",
    "status_ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/status-kong-default.crt",
    "cluster_listeners": [
        "port": 8005,
        "listener": "",
        "proxy_protocol": false,
        "deferred": false,
        "reuseport": false,
        "backlog=%d+": false,
        "bind": false,
        "ip": "",
        "ssl": false,
        "http2": false
    "lua_ssl_trusted_certificate_combined": "/usr/local/kong/.ca_combined",
    "status_ssl_cert_default_ecdsa": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/status-kong-default-ecdsa.crt",
    "status_ssl_cert_key_default_ecdsa": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/status-kong-default-ecdsa.key",
    "cluster_control_plane": "",
    "cassandra_lb_policy": "RequestRoundRobin",
    "cluster_mtls": "shared",
    "kic": false,
    "cassandra_repl_strategy": "SimpleStrategy",
    "proxy_listen": [
    "admin_listen": [
      " ssl"
    "cassandra_repl_factor": 1,
    "stream_listen": [
    "nginx_http_keepalive_timeout": "0",
    "admin_ssl_cert": [
    "admin_ssl_cert_key": [
    "status_ssl_cert": {},
    "status_ssl_cert_key": {},
    "headers": [
    "nginx_user": "kong\nkong",
    "nginx_main_user": "kong kong",
    "nginx_daemon": "off",
    "nginx_http_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers": "off",
    "nginx_stream_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers": "off",
    "ssl_dhparam": "ffdhe2048",
    "nginx_http_gzip_disable": "msie6",
    "role": "traditional",
    "trusted_ips": {},
    "db_update_frequency": 5,
    "nginx_proxy_real_ip_header": "X-Real-IP",
    "db_update_propagation": 0,
    "nginx_http_ssl_session_timeout": "1d",
    "client_max_body_size": "0",
    "proxy_access_log": "/dev/stdout",
    "proxy_error_log": "/dev/stderr",
    "proxy_stream_access_log": "logs/access.log\nbasic",
    "proxy_stream_error_log": "logs/error.log",
    "nginx_proxy_set": "$template_root /usr/local/share/templates",
    "admin_error_log": "/dev/stderr",
    "status_access_log": "off",
    "nginx_http_large_client_header_buffers": "4 16k",
    "log_level": "debug",
    "nginx_optimizations": true,
    "lua_ssl_trusted_certificate": [
    "lua_ssl_verify_depth": 1,
    "lua_ssl_protocols": "TLSv1.1\nTLSv1.2 TLSv1.3",
    "nginx_http_lua_ssl_protocols": "TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3",
    "nginx_stream_lua_ssl_protocols": "TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3",
    "lua_socket_pool_size": 30,
    "untrusted_lua": "sandbox",
    "untrusted_lua_sandbox_requires": {},
    "untrusted_lua_sandbox_environment": {},
    "proxy_ssl_enabled": true,
    "plugins": [
    "loaded_plugins": {
      "request-transformer": true
    "cluster_ocsp": "off",
    "prefix": "/usr/local/kong",
    "ssl_cipher_suite": "intermediate",
    "upstream_keepalive_pool_size": 60,
    "nginx_http_client_body_buffer_size": "8k",
    "client_body_buffer_size": "8k",
    "db_cache_ttl": 0,
    "nginx_stream_ssl_session_tickets": "on",
    "nginx_worker_processes": "1",
    "nginx_main_worker_rlimit_nofile": "auto",
    "stream_listeners": {},
    "pluginserver_names": {},
    "lua_package_cpath": "",
    "nginx_events_multi_accept": "on",
    "nginx_proxy_error_page": "401\n402 403 405 406 407 409 410 415 416 417 418 421 422 423 424 425 426 428 429 431 451 501 505 506 507 508 510 511 /kong_error_handler",
    "mem_cache_size": "128m",
    "nginx_proxy_real_ip_recursive": "off",
    "status_listeners": {},
    "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers": "on",
    "ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt",
    "upstream_keepalive_idle_timeout": 60,
    "upstream_keepalive_max_requests": 100,
    "cassandra_refresh_frequency": 60,
    "go_plugins_dir": "off",
    "ssl_session_timeout": "1d",
    "ssl_cert_key_default_ecdsa": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default-ecdsa.key",
    "cassandra_schema_consensus_timeout": 10000,
    "cassandra_data_centers": [
    "go_pluginserver_exe": "/usr/local/bin/go-pluginserver",
    "nginx_http_types_hash_max_size": "2048",
    "port_maps": {},
    "nginx_admin_client_max_body_size": "10m",
    "cluster_data_plane_purge_delay": 1209600,
    "dns_order": [
    "nginx_admin_client_body_buffer_size": "10m",
    "dns_stale_ttl": 4,
    "admin_ssl_cert_default_ecdsa": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default-ecdsa.crt",
    "client_ssl": false,
    "db_resurrect_ttl": 30,
    "dns_hostsfile": "/etc/hosts",
    "ssl_cert_key": [
    "error_default_type": "text/plain",
    "status_ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/status-kong-default.key",
    "host_ports": {},
    "anonymous_reports": false,
    "db_cache_warmup_entities": [
    "cluster_listen": [
    "pg_host": "kong-database",
    "admin_listeners": [
        "port": 8444,
        "listener": "\nssl",
        "proxy_protocol": false,
        "deferred": false,
        "reuseport": false,
        "backlog=%d+": false,
        "bind": false,
        "ip": "",
        "ssl": true,
        "http2": false
    "nginx_http_ssl_protocols": "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3",
    "admin_ssl_cert_key_default_ecdsa": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default-ecdsa.key",
    "pg_database": "kong",
    "pg_timeout": 5000,
    "admin_access_log": "/dev/stdout",
    "worker_state_update_frequency": 5,
    "admin_ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.crt",
    "ssl_cert": [
    "pg_user": "kong",
    "cassandra_keyspace": "kong",
    "nginx_http_sendfile": "on",
    "nginx_http_client_max_body_size": "0",
    "cassandra_read_consistency": "ONE",
    "status_error_log": "logs/status_error.log",
    "cassandra_timeout": 5000,
    "nginx_events_worker_connections": "auto",
    "nginx_http_ssl_session_tickets": "on",
    "worker_consistency": "strict",
    "ssl_protocols": "TLSv1.1\nTLSv1.2 TLSv1.3",
    "nginx_stream_ssl_dhparam": "ffdhe2048",
    "nginx_http_ssl_dhparam": "ffdhe2048",
    "nginx_main_directives": [
        "name": "daemon",
        "value": "off"
        "name": "user",
        "value": "kong kong"
        "name": "worker_processes",
        "value": "1"
        "name": "worker_rlimit_nofile",
        "value": "auto"
    "nginx_http_gzip": "on",
    "nginx_main_daemon": "off",
    "nginx_events_directives": [
        "name": "multi_accept",
        "value": "on"
        "name": "worker_connections",
        "value": "auto"
    "ssl_session_tickets": "on",
    "nginx_http_directives": [
        "name": "client_body_buffer_size",
        "value": "8k"
        "name": "client_max_body_size",
        "value": "0"
        "name": "default_type",
        "value": "application/octet-stream"
        "name": "gzip",
        "value": "on"
        "name": "gzip_disable",
        "value": "msie6"
        "name": "keepalive_timeout",
        "value": "0"
        "name": "large_client_header_buffers",
        "value": "4\n16k"
        "name": "lua_ssl_protocols",
        "value": "TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
        "name": "sendfile",
        "value": "on"
        "name": "ssl_dhparam",
        "value": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/ffdhe2048.pem"
        "name": "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers",
        "value": "off"
        "name": "ssl_protocols",
        "value": "TLSv1.2\nTLSv1.3"
        "name": "ssl_session_tickets",
        "value": "on"
        "name": "ssl_session_timeout",
        "value": "1d"
        "name": "tcp_nodelay",
        "value": "on"
        "name": "tcp_nopush",
        "value": "on"
        "name": "types_hash_max_size",
        "value": "2048"
    "enabled_headers": {
      "X-Kong-Upstream-Status": false,
      "server_tokens": true,
      "X-Kong-Proxy-Latency": true,
      "Via": true,
      "X-Kong-Response-Latency": true,
      "X-Kong-Admin-Latency": true,
      "Server": true,
      "X-Kong-Upstream-Latency": true,
      "latency_tokens": true
    "nginx_http_tcp_nodelay": "on",
    "nginx_main_worker_processes": "1",
    "real_ip_header": "X-Real-IP",
    "nginx_upstream_directives": {},
    "nginx_stream_ssl_session_timeout": "1d",
    "nginx_proxy_directives": [
        "name": "error_page",
        "value": "401\n402 403 405 406 407 409 410 415 416 417 418 421 422 423 424 425 426 428 429 431 451 501 505 506 507 508 510 511 /kong_error_handler"
        "name": "real_ip_header",
        "value": "X-Real-IP"
        "name": "real_ip_recursive",
        "value": "off"
        "name": "set",
        "value": "$template_root\n/usr/local/share/templates"
    "status_listen": [
    "nginx_status_directives": {},
    "admin_ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.key",
    "nginx_admin_directives": [
        "name": "client_body_buffer_size",
        "value": "10m"
        "name": "client_max_body_size",
        "value": "10m"
    "cassandra_username": "kong",
    "nginx_stream_directives": [
        "name": "lua_ssl_protocols",
        "value": "TLSv1.1\nTLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
        "name": "ssl_dhparam",
        "value": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/ffdhe2048.pem"
        "name": "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers",
        "value": "off"
        "name": "ssl_protocols",
        "value": "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
        "name": "ssl_session_tickets",
        "value": "on"
        "name": "ssl_session_timeout",
        "value": "1d"
    "nginx_http_tcp_nopush": "on",
    "nginx_supstream_directives": {},
    "dns_resolver": {},
    "nginx_sproxy_directives": {},
    "nginx_stream_ssl_protocols": "TLSv1.2\nTLSv1.3",
    "dns_error_ttl": 1,
    "dns_not_found_ttl": 30,
    "nginx_http_upstream_directives": {},
    "nginx_http_status_directives": {},
    "dns_no_sync": false,
    "nginx_pid": "/usr/local/kong/pids/nginx.pid",
    "client_ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.key",
    "client_ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt",
    "nginx_err_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/error.log",
    "ssl_cert_default_ecdsa": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default-ecdsa.crt",
    "ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.key",
    "nginx_acc_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/access.log",
    "real_ip_recursive": "off",
    "admin_acc_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/admin_access.log",
    "admin_ssl_enabled": true,
    "nginx_conf": "/usr/local/kong/nginx.conf",
    "stream_proxy_ssl_enabled": false,
    "nginx_kong_conf": "/usr/local/kong/nginx-kong.conf",
    "proxy_listeners": [
        "port": 8443,
        "listener": "\nssl",
        "proxy_protocol": false,
        "deferred": false,
        "reuseport": false,
        "backlog=%d+": false,
        "bind": false,
        "ip": "",
        "ssl": true,
        "http2": false
    "nginx_kong_stream_conf": "/usr/local/kong/nginx-kong-stream.conf",
    "nginx_http_default_type": "application/octet-stream",
    "kong_env": "/usr/local/kong/.kong_env",
    "ssl_cert_csr_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.csr"
  "plugins": {
    "available_on_server": {
      "request-transformer": true
    "enabled_in_cluster": [
  "version": "2.4.1",
  "hostname": "2605b5c63a4e",
  "lua_version": "LuaJIT\n2.1.0-beta3"
  • Operating system - Ubuntu Bionic

Fixed months ago by #7408. Thanks @onematchfox!