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Visible lag opening folders in new version, as compared to older version (suspicious fetch logs)

navin09 opened this issue · comments


Expected Behavior

  • Clicking a 'folder' is responsive (time between action and response is within 350ms)
  • Clicking a 'folder' to open it should not trigger a fetch to an internet resource of any kind.

Actual Behavior

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open Insomnia
  2. Open a Collection
  3. Click on any 'folder'

Is there an existing issue for this?

Additional Information

Version of Insomnia which works as intended:
Version: Insomnia 2023.1.0
Build date: 3/9/2023
OS: Linux x64 5.15.0-105-generic
Electron: 22.0.0
Node: 16.17.1
Architecture: x64

Version of Insomnia which exhibits the bug:
Version: Insomnia 9.1.0
Build date: 4/30/2024
OS: Linux x64 5.15.0-105-generic
Electron: 29.3.0
Node: 20.9.0
Node ABI: 121
Architecture: x64

Insomnia Version


What operating system are you using?

Other Linux

Operating System Version

Linux Mint 21.2 (Based on Ubuntu 22.04)

Installation method

Portable AppImage

Last Known Working Insomnia version


3 of these 4 requests are cached on the client, but its true we do need a better story for the /graphql endpoint reloading.


3 of these 4 requests are cached on the client, but its true we do need a better story for the /graphql endpoint reloading.

@jackkav thanks for the reply. If they are cached on the client, why make the fetch at all every time a folder is clicked? Also, this doesn't seem to happen in the older version (2023.1.0) If you want to keep the list of folders updated with a remote resource, maybe using a websocket connection that notifies of any updates or changes would be a better solution, no?

For me is the same, opening and closing folders takes a long time, so I need to hit command + r. In general the UI is very laggy compared to previous versions...

Over fetching is addressed in 9.1.1. My previous assertion was incorrect there were fetches being made. We recently improved our app fetching observability so we are doing our best to address some of the performance issues now we have a faster learning loop.