Konafets / antlers-idea

Adds support for Antlers, the templating language of Statamic

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Reformat code indents the code badly

dominikkaluza opened this issue · comments

Hi, when I use the reformat code function in .antlers.html file, it reformats my code badly. I'm not sure what causes this behaviour because I think it was working for me fine before. Could you please help me navigate this issue?

I tried on both the latest released version 0.0.4 and the latest main.

Before reformat:

After reformat:

Same here ... It's actually one of the most annoying bug to me right now ;)
Still a great plugin though !


Formatting sucks, that's one of the reason I've tried the plugin.


thanks for the comments. I worked this very issue and its already solved in main branch, but I need to fix some other issues regarding formatting before I can release a new version. Stay tuned.

@Konafets Can you in mean time maybe provide .jar file for main branch? I don't find it anywhere and this bug is really annoying ;). Unfortunately my knowledge about java/kotlin to little, to compile it myself.

@Konafets Hey, that's great to hear! :) Thank you for your work!

@weogrim You can download the latest built main here: https://github.com/Konafets/antlers-idea/actions/runs/4074535979 in the Artifacts section :)


the formatting faces two issues (as far as I know) currently:

  • it adds spaces around equal signs in parameter list of an Antlers node
  • it does not add spaces after the opening delimiter and before the closing delimiter {{foo}} stays {{foo}} instead of {{ foo }}

I am on a van trip right know with mostly no internet connectivity but I can assure you that this will definitely be fixed in next version.

Fixed in version 0.0.5