Komodo / markdown-viewer

Provides Markdown previewing for Komodo Markdown files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Markdown viewer broken

babobski opened this issue · comments

Markdown viewer is broken, preview button is not showing up.
When i trigger the command cmd_markdown-preview (to see if it still works) i get a blank preview screen.
The error in the logfile is:

[2015-07-30 14:43:19,971] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: marked is not a function (2) in chrome://markdown-viewer/content/markdown-viewer.js:103
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://markdown-viewer/content/markdown-viewer.js", line 103, in 

Sounds like #464 in the Komodo-edit issues.

Yep, same issue.