KoenZomers / KeePassOneDriveSync

Allows syncing of KeePass databases stored on OneDrive Personal, OneDrive for Business or SharePoint

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Onedrive plugin database location

nollinvoyd opened this issue · comments

Samsung Galaxy s10e

I received a replacement phone, and transferred the contents of my old phone to it. Everything was fine before that.

Previously, when I saved Keepass desktop changes, they would be synced in KeePass database with OneDrive Personal, where the NewDatabase.kdbx is located for access by my android version of Keepass. I also have it set to sync with a local desktop folder

But now, the only location for the plugin is my local database backup folder, and there is no way to add another location. I need to have the database synced there, as well as to Onedrive,.

  • KeePass 2.54
  • KeePass OneDriveSync Plugin

I did a workaround installing another plugin to backup to OneDrive, and also retaining KeePassOneDriveSync, which works out fine because two backups in different locations is fine with me.

I did a workaround installing another plugin to backup to OneDrive

Thanks. What plugin did you use for this?

KeePassSync https://sourceforge.net/projects/keepasssync/files/

It's over 13 years old, but it works.

During my struggles to get things to work, I also ran across KPSimpleBackup


It didn't work, but reflecting back on what I've learned, I think I wasn't following the proper installation protocol.

@nollinvoyd Can you elaborate on your use case for this? If I understand you correctly, you would like the same KeePass database to be kept in sync in 3 locations?

  1. Whereever you store the database locally
  2. Another folder locally
  3. A OneDrive Consumer location

What does 2 add on top of 1?

Two locations. Only one folder locally. I think there may be a misinterpretation because I mentioned the third plugin that I failed to install properly.

Every time I reinstalled KeePassOneDriveSync, and I went to check in it's options, the backup location was automatically set to the same place that I assigned it to in the Keepass settings.

As I said, it was "likely" my failure to follow the proper installation protocols for KeePassOneDriveSync.

The idea for having multiple (2) backups? I"m particularly cautious when protecting backups of any kind. Specifically, in this case, I do not have 100% confidence in Onedrive, or Google drive. For example, at times, random files get renamed. Onedrive can occasionally erratic, delayed backups, failed backups. Very common for Google backup failures showing a list of said failures with no explanation other than they failed. Just can't trust it.

Better safe than sorry.

BTW, thanks for KeePassOneDriveSync. I will continue to use it. I didn't come here to criticize. My inexperience led me to seek answers.
