KnicKnic / WASM-ImageMagick

Webassembly compilation of & samples

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Cannot use this library

DavideVito opened this issue · comments


I'd like to user this code inside my react app, i've downloaded the library using npm (npm install --save wasm-imagemagick) as stated in the guide, then i've copied the file from node_modules to the public folder, as stated in the guide.

But when i start the application i get this error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
image im using snowpack, then i've tried to clone the example code you have hosted on codesandbox, but still, when installing the components and run the app, i get this error,

How can i solve?

I'm having the same problem.

Alternatively, I used the @xn-sakina/image-magick package, which is practically a handler for this one, but the typings are all set to 'any'.