Klimdy / Splunk-tiered-deployment-server

Configuration files for create a tiered deployment server

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Splunk Tiered Deployment Server

architecture diagram

The presented configuration files allow you to deploy a multi-level deployment server and data transfer systems located in different vlans.

In this example, we have:

  • Primary deployment server located in VLAN 1.
  • Secondary deployment server (aka heavy forwarder) located in VLAN 2.
  • Universal forwarders acting as deployment clients on the primary and secondary deployment servers.
  • Two virtual networks (VLAN 1,2) in which, for security reasons, ports are open for communication and receiving / sending data, but only for one host located in VLAN 2.

The Primary Deployment Server

The primary deployment server serves as the main app repository.

In this example, it has:

In directory $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps:

  • send_to_secondary (an arbitrary app for send data to secondary deployment server (heavyforwarder))
  • TA-linux (the technology add-on for monitoring logs on *Nix hosts)
  • TA_windows (the technology add-on for monitoring logs on Windows hosts)

The Secondary Deployment Server

The secondary deployment server downloads its apps from the primary deployment server.

In this example, it will download:

In directory $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps:

  • TA-linux (in this example we use TA-linux for local monitoring *Nix logs)

In directory $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps:

  • send_to_secondary
  • TA-linux
  • TA_windows


Splunk-tiered-deployment-server is licensed under the BEERWARE License. =)


Steven Swor - The man who first described a similar configuration


Configuration files for create a tiered deployment server
