KlausTrainer / offline-feeds

playground for offline

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My "sample app" for the couchDB Day. Couldn't finisch it in time but @svenlito helped me out after the talk! This have should become a feedreader of some sorts. But it didn't worked out. Nevertheless it was fun playing and learnd a lot.

In this setup you need a local couchDB running with some docs like this:

   "_id": "http://cabinporn.com/post/105012311690",
   "_rev": "6-780e8418758ff671db7af1f8ed21cd36",
   "title": "Handmade cabin built with recycled insulated freezer panels, on...",
   "postedTime": "Fri, 12 Dec 2014 11:01:07 -0500",
   "type": "Activity Stream",
   "verb": "post",
   "object": {
       "id": "http://cabinporn.com/post/105012311690",
       "link": "http://cabinporn.com/post/105012311690",
       "summary": "<img src=\"http://40.media.tumblr.com/c50fc483904dd4abf6e60a689b64590f/tumblr_ngghwrFKuw1qzwmsso1_1280.jpg\"/><br/><br/><p>Handmade cabin built with recycled insulated freezer panels, on <strong>Vancouver island, British Columbia Canada</strong>.</p><p>Contributed by Gabrielle Eva.</p>",
       "objectType": "article"
   "actor": {
       "link": "",
       "name": "",
       "objectType": "author"
   "provider": {
       "id": "http://freecabinporn.com/rss",
       "name": "Cabin Porn™",
       "objectType": "service"
   "_attachments": {
       "31143406": {
           "content_type": "image/jpeg",
           "revpos": 3,
           "digest": "md5-Kk2G3ORlCcDWarSfA7bQAw==",
           "length": 38649,
           "stub": true

There are files for appCache and service workers. Feel free to ask what they mean and especially to send your fixes.

To enable the the serviceWorker to connect to your couchDB consider running this (the referer header is the important part):

HOST=http://adminname:password@localhost:5984 # or whatever you got
curl -X POST $HOST/_config/httpd/enable_cors -d '"true"'
curl -X PUT $HOST/_config/cors/origins -d '"*"'
curl -X PUT $HOST/_config/cors/credentials -d '"true"'
curl -X PUT $HOST/_config/cors/methods -d '"GET, PUT, POST, HEAD, DELETE"'
curl -X PUT $HOST/_config/cors/headers -d '"accept, authorization, content-type, origin, referer"'

Stolen and patched from https://github.com/nolanlawson/pouchdb-authentication


playground for offline


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