KlausTrainer / couch_email_auth

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

couch_email_auth Build Status

couch_email_auth provides passwordless authentication by sending the authenticating user a sign-in link via email. The sign-in link contains an authentication token, which gets exchanged for a CouchDB authentication cookie the first time a user follows the sign-in link. Every authentication token can only be used once. Both the authentication token and the CouchDB authentication cookie have an expiration time, which can be configured independently for each.

You can run couch_email_auth behind CouchDB by using CouchDB's proxy feature. That means that CouchDB will forward HTTP requests that are sent to a particular endpoint (which is configurable), and couch_email_auth doesn't need to bind to a network interface that is reachable from outside. CouchDB's proxy feature is described in detail in the CouchDB documentation here.


Clone the repo, install the dependencies, create a configuration, and start the server:

npm install
cp .couch_email_authrc-dist .couch_email_authrc
node index.js

Change the configuration in .couch_email_authrc according to your needs; in this example we are using port 3000 for the couch_email_auth service.

Assuming that your CouchDB instance is running on localhost port 5984, your admin username is admin, and your password is secret, run the following commands:

curl -X PUT $COUCH/_config/httpd_global_handlers/_couch_email_auth \
  --data-binary '"{couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<\"http://localhost:3000\">>}"'

couch_email_auth should now be available via your CouchDB instance at http://localhost:5984/_couch_email_auth.

Email Sign-In

Send a POST-request to the couch_email_auth endpoint according to the following example:

curl -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST \
  http://localhost:5984/_couch_email_auth --data-binary '{"redirectUrl": "http://example.com/app", "email": "andy@example.com", "username": "Andy"}'

Following the example, an email with a sign-in link should be sent to andy@example.com after a successful request. When opening the sing-in link in a web browser, the user should be authenticated, and redirected to http://example.com/app.

Request Parameters

Name Description Required
redirectUrl redirect to this URL after authentication yes
email the email address the sign-in link is sent to yes
username a username no

Email Template

For configuring the template file to be used for sign-in emails, see the template configuration in the configuration file's email section.

The following variables are available in the template:

Name Description
username the username
sign_in_link the sign-in link

Invalidating All of a User's Authentication Sessions

An authenticated user can invalidate all of their authentication sessions by sending a DELETE-request to the couch_email_auth endpoint. An example use case would be that a user is authenticated with multiple devices, but wants to sign-out from all those devices at once. The DELETE-request will achieve exactly this.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%