Kismon / kismon

A GUI client for kismet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

(Question) 20.04 repo osm-gps-map

alphafox02 opened this issue · comments

I was wondering it there’s any issues using the osm-gps-map build provided within the 20.04 repo vs the latest source. Everything with kismon appears to be working okay, but I noticed on the front page it looked as if kismon was requiring a newer version then what’s in the repo.

Thank you.

As long as you don't experience issues it's fine to use the version 1.1.0 that is in Ubuntu 20.04. You can have a look at the NEWS file of osm-gps map to see which improvements were implemented in newer versions.

So far it seems good, but I do see what you mean about the updates. I’ll close and continue testing. Thank you.