Kimserey / AccordionView

Accordion view in Xamarin Forms

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How to show uneven height children

nmano2188 opened this issue · comments

In content layout i have different types of control. How this will work on header click?

Update: By doing below changes i have implemented this.
Remove HeightRequest property from __content.
public AccordionSectionView(DataTemplate itemTemplate, ScrollView parent)
//_template = itemTemplate;
_headerTitle.BackgroundColor = _headerColor;
_headerIcon.Source = _arrowRight;
_header.BackgroundColor = _headerColor;

        _header.Children.Add(_headerIcon, new Rectangle(0, 1, .1, 1), AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All);
        _header.Children.Add(_headerTitle, new Rectangle(1, 1, .9, 1), AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All);

        this.Spacing = 0;
        _content.IsVisible = false;
        _isExpanded = false;
            new TapGestureRecognizer
                Command = new Command(async () =>
                    if (_isExpanded)
                        _headerIcon.Source = _arrowRight;
                        //_content.HeightRequest = 0;
                        _content.IsVisible = false;
                        _isExpanded = false;
                        _headerIcon.Source = _arrowDown;
                        //_content.HeightRequest = _content.Children.Count * 70;
                        _content.IsVisible = true;
                        _isExpanded = true;
                        // Scroll top by the current Y position of the section
                        if (parent.Parent is VisualElement)
                            await parent.ScrollToAsync(0, this.Y, true);