Kiarahmani / CLOTHO

Directed Test Generation for Weakly Consistent Database Systems

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Errors at first run

rnbguy opened this issue · comments

First of all, great work!

I am trying to run your tool on ArchLinux based machine. I noticed few hiccups.

  1. To persist the exports from . scripts/, ./ --setup 2 is needed to run with dot-operator, i.e. . ./ --setup 2.
  2. The file paths for rt.jar and jce.jar are assumed. I had to put correct paths for my machine.
  3. I am stuck at ./ --analyze write_skew. It throws error for not being able to link z3 library.
     [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no libz3java in java.library.path
     [java] 	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
     [java] 	at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
     [java] 	at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
     [java] 	at<clinit>(
     [java] 	at<init>(
     [java] 	at Z3.Z3Driver.<init>(
     [java] 	at Transformer.main(

I see, is present at analyzer/lib and it is properly mentioned in build.xml or in .classpath. But my Java is not strong. Can you tell me, what should I do to here?

Hello @rnbguy

I was able to solve this by changing the java.library.path that is hardcoded at the end of analyzer/build.xml

<!-- TODO: is hard coded for the system under test-->
<sysproperty key="java.library.path" path="path/to/your/z3/build"/>

However, I still cannot run CLOTHO and it seems to be some problem with z3

[java] File: ../src/api/api_ast.cpp
[java] Line: 906
[java] Z3
[java] Please file an issue with this message and more detail about how you encountered it at

After a quick search, I found this issue that suggests it might have to do with having different versions of the libraries, so I tried installing z3 from scratch again but that didn't do it.

I'm stuck here

@lenacgs I had some free minutes to look at this problem again. I was able to fix the problem. Java library path should contain the directory path containing Compiling Z3-4.8.6 from Github worked for me. 4.8.10 doesn't work. You may use any recent version that works.


  1. Check if the paths inside scripts/ are correct and modify if necessary. Use locate command to locate the jars in your system.
  2. Compile/Download/Install and note/find its location.
  3. Modify analyzer/build.xml to set
<sysproperty key="java.library.path" path="path/to/directory/containing/"/>
  1. Execute
. ./ --setup 2
make benchmark=write_skew
./ --analyze write_skew
./ --show write_skew 1

It should work by now :)